Worlds of Regeneration

         Greetings and Opening prayer

         First: tell the story Peace begins in our intimacy, taken from the site or the text called A school called Earth. The parts in bold should be questions to be asked to the children by the spiritist teacher.

         Second: writing under the phrase spoken by Jesus:

“Blessed are the meek and the peacemakers, for they shall inherit the earth.”

         Third: talk to the children about the story.

          What is not good in the world today? How would you like the world to be?

          How do you think the world can change? What needs to change in our world?

          What each of us can do to contribute to these changes?

          Do you think each one is important in all this and can make a difference to contribute to the improvement of the place where we live?

         Fourth: ask the children what they think Jesus meant by the phrase written on the board. What doing does it mean to be meek and peaceful? To be someone who says no to wars, have patience, do not fight, is not aggressive or violent, speaks with kindness and moderation, have attitudes of peace and love.

         Explain that physical violence, verbal violence or violence through thoughts generate aggression; this is the law of action and reaction.

         There is a lot more courage in non-violence than on violence. The path to peace is the path of dialogue, understanding fraternity and forgiveness.

          The world is evolving; it can’t stand still, everything always being the same. Jesus promised the kingdom of God on earth. A better world for us all to live will become a reality and this world is called the World of Regeneration. Those who are not yet gentle and peaceful could be compared to students who repeat grades, who were disapproved. They will go to another school (another planet), to continue the learning of goodness and love.

          And here on Earth, with successful students, we will then have a world of peace, of confidence between all, of solidarity and equality. A world where wars, fights, corruption, lies, prejudice, robberies, kidnappings are part of the past.

          Worlds of Regeneration: complete happiness does not exist yet, but there is the beginning of happiness. Although there are still tests to go through, but there are no more painful atonements.

         Fifth: ask the children to consider how the World of Regeneration will be, which will be inherited by the meek and peaceful. Distribute coloured paper for each child so they can write down a characteristic of how they imagine a World of Regeneration is.

         After this stage the spiritist teacher can talk to the children about the ideas that emerged. They can put them all together to form a big panel, where each one will paste what they wrote down. Below are some suggestions that came up in class.

          Anyone will be able to walk day or night, anytime, without feeling fear, because there will be no thieves.

          There will be no wars.

          There will be greater trust between people, who will help more one another.

          Men will be less concerned with material things.

          There will be no vices, so there won’t be anymore alcoholics industries, beer industries, cigarettes industries, etc…

          There will not be caged birds, caged animals or dogs on chains.

          No more dirt streets and squares, rivers and seas; everybody takes care of everything with love, respect, have a good conscience and will do its part.

          Nobody goes hungry because everyone will share what they have; there will be more equality; people will be concerned with others.

          No more prejudice, for all God's children will be considered equally.

          No more disrespect among religions; everybody will respect all religions. Jesus did not leave a religion. He only taught love, humility, meekness and being useful to everyone. Remember that Jesus left no rituals, nor temples.

          There will be no more competitions as they exist today. If there are games, they will be fraternal; no fighting rages will exist. No violence, no pep rallies that fight and humiliate their opponents. They will all respect and feel happy for the ones who win a game.

          Couples will marry for love, have responsibility and respect each other. No more infidelity and separations.

          There will be no malice, nor pornography.

          On television there will only be necessary and good matters; good news and educational programs.

          People will give more importance to spiritual matters. The vanity, fashion and consumerism will lose their value. Simplicity will reign.

         Sixth: just imagining how that new world will be like, we realize that many professions will disappear; some products will no longer be consumed. Anyway, many things will change. But for all this to happen, we must now prepare ourselves, changing ourselves, each doing our part: where we live, with whom we live, giving our good example and not just following what others do; they might not have realized that the way to happiness depends on respect and love for the one another, and that all was created by God.

         Seventh – suggested activities:

         Activity 1

         Activity 2

         Activity 3    Activity Response.

         Activity 3: Make a drawing representing the World of Regeneration.

         Activity 4: Work the lyrics Peace for Peace, by the Brazilian composer and singer, in groups. This is considered the song of the Peace and You movement in Brazil.

         Note: see the file Peace for Peace for download in MP3 taken from the site

         See the presentation The Great Transition, pg. psychographed the medium Divaldo Pereira Franco on July 30, 2006, in Rio de Janeiro - RJ.

         Closing prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: Third Cycle (11 to 12 years old).

         Resources for the Spiritist Teacher: The Gospel According to Spiritism, chapter 3, item 16.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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