Peace for Peace
By: Nando Cordel

Peace in the world

Begins with me

When I choose love inside,

I am truly happy

When we are kind,

to one another….

We know true love and greatness in our hearts

The time has come for building peace on Earth

We don’t believe… in the lack of love

Peace for Peace – to our children

Peace for Peace – for our forests

Peace for Peace – and for the courage to transform.

Peace for Peace – in the truth and justice

Peace for Peace – and inner freedom

Peace for Peace – and in the beauty of loving you.

(repetir a 1ª estrofe)

Peace for Peace – for a new world

Peace for Peace – in faith and hope

Peace for Peace – and for the courage to transform.

Peace for Peace – in the truth and justice

Peace for Peace – and inner freedom

Peace for Peace – and in the beauty of loving you.

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.