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Spiritist Book

         Opening prayer

         First: prepare the environment - take carpet and cushions; organize a relaxed and welcoming environment. Ask the children to sit at the carpet, comfortably.

         Second: : talk about books and reading (get all children to sit on the carpet).

         What do we learn in the books? To read is to travel; reading is fun, entertainment and the construction of knowledge, as well as culture, in each reader.

         Do books help us to evolve? How? Yes, they are sources of research; they make us reflect, give us information about Spiritism as well as present situations, experiences of other people with whom we can learn from.

         How should a good book be? Interesting (a subject that the reader likes), enlightening (add something to the life of the reader) and engaging (must hold the reader’s attention when reading it).

         What kind of books appeal to you?

         What benefits good stories bring to you? They amuse, instruct, clarify, comfort; bring hope and good spiritual lessons.

         Third: reupholster a book with a sheet of paper that has titled "Spiritist Book" in big letters. Question the children:

         What is a Spiritist book? A Spiritist book is one that clarifies situations of our day-to-day life under the light of Spiritism. It does it through studies, messages and stories.

         What is the aim of a Spiritist book? Study, leisure, comfort, hope, clarity; show us the right path.

         How should a good Spiritist book be? It should bring a message of comfort and hope, as well as reflection, which will help us to make good choices.

         What types of books are you aware of?

         Has anyone ever read a Spiritist book?

         How should we choose the books we will read? Someone we trust may recommend a book to us, a friend can lend us the book, we can choose it from a library or bookstore; ask for book suggestions to the Spiritist volunteers/teachers.

         Fourth: remember we are on Earth to learn. God offers us numerous opportunities to learn during our reincarnation. We should never neglect the opportunity to study and learning in our lives.

         We study when we read good books, when we hear stories that bring spiritual/moral lessons and when we observe good examples brought to us by our parents and teachers. We will continue studying as adults in the Spiritist study groups. Reading is important; it is a source of learning and moral improvement.

         Fifth: distribute books for the children to handle, look, read, take an interest in the books. The number of books should be much larger than the number of children, if possible - borrow books from the Spiritist Group library, if necessary.

         Encourage the children to exchange books with each other. Get them to comment on whether they liked it or not that book and the reason why. Ask them to read aloud a passage or a short story – it’s an important moment, because many children might not have contact with books at home (perhaps they haven’t got Spiritist books at home and/or the school they go to doesn’t encourage them to read books).

         It’s important that the Spiritist volunteer brings different types of books to this class. Make sure you bring mostly Spiritist books, but some not Spiritist that would contain good messages. Get books for various ages - some more focused on kids; other for teenagers and some books for adults.

         Click here to find resources for the Spiritist volunteer.

         Sixth: the Spiritist volunteer tells the children a story from one of the books he/she has brought to this class - preferably a story with illustrations that holds their attention.

         Seventh - activity: ask each child to choose one of the sentences below. Bring the sentences to this class written on small pieces of white paper. Please also bring strips of coloured cardboard/paperboard on the size of a bookmark. Get them to copy the phrases they chose to the colourful paper and decorate it as they with. Encourage them to make another marker and give it to someone as a present, if the time of the class permits.

         Click here to find the phrases.

         Closing prayer

         Sugestão: terceiro ciclo.

         Class suggested being suitable for: Claudia Schmidt.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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