The Spiritist Book

         It’s very hard to imagine spreading the message of the Master Jesus without the existence of the Gospels. It’s also hard to imagine the propagation and study of Spiritism without the works codified by Allan Kardec.

         The Spiritist book helps us to carry out our inner reform, which is so needed to be done by us all. It also clarifies and consoles our hearts as well as minds. The Spiritist book is also fundamental for all activities that are involved in all Spiritist Centres. It assists with public talks, children and youth education classes, fraternal assistance and provides explanations about Spiritist practices such as healing, prayer and the gospel in the home.

         However, it should be remembered that not all books that are said to be mediumistic or Spiritist should be regarded so. There are many so called “Spiritist" books which lack the basis of Spiritism. The publication must be in accordance with the basic works, codified by Allan Kardec, to be considered Spiritist: The Spirits' Book, The Mediums' Book, The Gospel According to Spiritism, Heaven and Hell, and The Genesis.

         The reader who is a beginner in Spiritism should give priority to the 5 basic books of the codification, as well as to books from devoted mediums such as Chico Xavier, Divaldo Franco, Raul Teixeira and Yvonne Pereira. The renowned scholars of Spiritism should also be read, such as Leon Denis, Herminio Miranda, Gabriel Dellane, Herculano Pires, among others. He/she should also join a group of Systematic Study of the Spiritist teachings.

         Every Spiritist literature must be based on ethics and in the respect for the readers and the authors. It should not only have a commercial goal, but be consistent with the Spiritist principles. It should help to disseminate, to understand and to experience Spiritism. A good story can (and should) have an edifying and correct message aligned with the Spiritist ideas.

         It’s preferable to have fewer books available to the readers, than to have so many bad books that will confuse the reader and the understanding of Spiritism. It’s important that the books that are available on the shelves have gone through a good screen making sure they follow the basis of the Spiritist ideas.

         Let’s be vigilant and choose carefully what we read. After all, time has immeasurable value, and a good Spiritist book doesn’t need to be huge or difficult to read. The important thing is that it’s correct, follows the Spiritist teachings and turns the act of reading this work an enjoyable and uplifting experience.

Claudia Schmidt