Law of Cause and Effect

         Opening Prayer

         First: please distribute small paper cards with an activity written on it to the children (some activities you could write on the cards are: say hi to your colleague, step on someone’s foot, make grimaces, hug one of your colleagues, smile...). Please ask the children to read it and perform the activity written on the card to the colleague sitting at their right hand side. Afterwards, each child will need to write their names on the back of the card they received. You should now ask them to place the cards back inside a box provided by you.

         Second: please give each child a tennis ball and ask them to throw it into the wall. Please ask them: what happens to the ball? Does it come back to you? How fast is it? Why? It always gets back to you with the speed and strength we threw it into the wall. If we throw it with strength, it will get back to us with strength; or the other way around.

         Third: please comment on some attitudes and its consequences.

          Attitudes Suggested to comment on:

         Eat excessively (feel pain; stomach-ache);

         Study a lot for an exam;

         Do not shower;

         Take a shower;

         Stay in the sun for too long;

         Go to bed quite late and wake up early;

         Play too much videogame;

         Fourth - please establish a dialog with the children: Is God kind and just? Why? God manages the Universe based on the Law of Cause and Effect. Everything that happens has a cause and a consequence. Each person is responsible for its attitudes and harvests the consequences from what he/she does. Everything we do, good or bad, comes back to us at some point.

         The laws of the human beings, sometimes, are not fulfilled. But the laws of God always are fulfilled. They can’t change; these laws are perfect.

         Example: theft. The thief can not be imprisoned or condemned perhaps, but he doesn’t run away from the Divine justice. That is why we say God sees everything. There is no need to seek revenge.

         The consequences of our acts will be positive, if our actions are positive. Or they will be negative; if our actions are negative.

         Hence, pain and suffering are not punishments from God. These are just consequences from acts we have taken on this life or on a previous reincarnation.

         Obs.: we had the need, in this class, to explain we can’t judge anyone that is going through some sort difficulty (ex.: disabled people, someone who has health problems or material difficulties, etc). We highlighted that the spirit could have asked for this challenge in order to progress quicker. We should focus on respecting and offering our friendship to these individuals.

         Fifth: please tell the children the story of The two trees. Please ask them what they understood about the story.

         Sixth: go back to the initial activity – each child should now take a card from the box, read the colleague’s name written on it and come closer to this person. Please ask each child to do to their colleague what they did to the other person previously. This activity aims to let children come to the conclusion that everything we do to others, will come back to us in return.

         Seventh - activity:

         1 - Please distribute an A4 sheet of paper to the children with the words CAUSE AND EFFECT written on vertically so they can make an acrostic. Please ask them to write down attitudes that will help our spiritual evolution. Examples: union, charity, effort, consideration, fraternity, trustworthiness, tolerance, forgiveness, enthusiasm, excellence, acceptance, etc.

         2 - Please distribute the enigmatic text to be completed.

         Closing Prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for:1st cycle (7 to 8 years old), 2nd cycle (9 to 10 years old) and 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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