The two trees


         Once upon a time, there were two brothers who lived in a beautiful farm. One of them picked some lime seeds and cultivated them. He watered the plant, looked after it and after some time it transformed into a beautiful tree. Therefore, when he decided to harvest the fruit, he tried to eat one of them and… didn’t like it. It was quite sour. These were lime, which are by nature quite sour!

         The other boy decided to cultivate some orange seeds. He also watered the plant, looked after it and after some time it transformed into a beautiful tree. This tree produced delicious fruit! The oranges were quite beautiful; hence, an orange tree could only produce oranges!

         Please finish off the story by making a relationship between the seeds and our actions (when we choose what we are going to cultivate, we also choose what we will reap). Please compare the sun with God, as it rises and shines to everyone (offering opportunities for the growth of His children). The fruits are the results from our actions, which can be good or bad depending on our seeds (actions).

         Please remember we are all free to reap as we wish (each one will choose what wants to do, how to occupy your time and your thoughts), but it is mandatory to harvest; this will vary according to our attitudes and choices made.

         Obs.: Before we started this class, we created the character of this story with construction paper. As we were telling the story, we placed the characters that are part of the story into the board for the children to visualize them. Material used: two puppets, two trees, tiny paper balls which you can use to represent the seeds, the grass and the sun.

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.
