Law of Cause and Effect - freewill

         Opening prayer

         First: tell the story Despite the Limits, taken from the site, Some parts of the story are in bold, as can be used as a resource to get the children to participate by answering these questions. This story is based on true events.

         Click here to find another story that could be used (received from Gisel Haddad / KSSF Kardecian Study Society of Florida - USA). there are several other options available here: Stories (Drawings).

         Second: talk to the children about the following.

          All actions have consequences.

          We have free will to make choices.

          The consequences of the acts may be positive, if the acts are positive. If the acts are negative, they may be negative. The acts may be from this or from a previous existence.

          This is called the Law of Cause and Effect.

          Hence pain and suffering are not God's punishments but just consequences of our thoughts, words and attitudes.


         What happens when:

          We eat too much?

          We studied a lot for a test?

          We don’t take a shower?

          We spend too much time in the sun?

          We go to sleep late and wake up early?

          We played video games for a long time?

          The examples above refer to us.

          And when we cause others to suffer?

         How do we harm others? Gossiping, chatting a lot in class, lying, picking up something borrowed and not returning, ruining other people's things, disturbing others with words or actions, putting a fellow colleague against another one.

          What are the consequences of those actions?

         Fourth - technique:

         Do unto others:

         1 - Distribute small paper cards to write an activity (say hi, stepping on the foot, grimacing, a hug, a smile ...) What ever was written in the paper should be done by the person sitting on their right hand side.

         2 - After each one puts his name on the back of the paper received, this should be returned to a box. The spiritist teacher should collect all cards from the children.

         3 - Each child will then draw a card from the box, read the colleague’s name from the card and search for him. This child will then do for him what he wanted done to the other (what is written on the paper).

         This activity aims to get the children to conclude that everything we do to others comes back to us. If we do good things, they return to us. If we have bad thoughts, words, attitudes or choices, these will return to us.

         Fifth: close the group technique with the following question:

         What's the big secret to being happy?

         Do unto others as we would have others do unto us.

         Note: the question and answers given by the children may be used for making a beautiful bookmark.

         Closing prayer

         Suggested Class suitable for: 2nd (9 to 10 years old) and 3rd cycles (11 to 12 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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