There was, in a faraway land, a King and his prime minister. The King was fair and kind. The Prime Minister was a good man and wise, and always said that happiness reigned because there was a good and just God, who always did what was best for everyone. The King followed the steps of wisdom of his Prime Minister who always said “everything God does is good” ...

         Those were the words that made the King wise and kind to his subjects.

         The King had two daily pastimes. One was working with wood, making sculptures and carvings and the other was riding in the woods every morning, accompanied by his Prime Minister.

         While they rode, they talked about the mysteries of life. The King always sought explanations for his distress. These daily trips in the company of his wise Prime Minister, made him find comfort for his heart, often filled with doubts and concerns.

         One day the king was working in his workshop, sawing wood, when, unexpectedly, the saw cut off his finger. Desperate and anxious, he called his prime minister. He hoped that the Prime Minister could explain why God allowed this accident to happen to him, who was a good person, honest and fair.

         But to the surprise of the King, the Prime Minister rather than comfort him with words of encouragement and comfort, merely repeat what he always said: “everything God does is good”.

         Upon hearing such an affront, the King, angry and disconsolate ordered the guards to take the Prime Minister to jail.

         After the accident, the King's life was different. There was no one to talk to and confide thoughts, but he continued with his daily hobbies… wood working and riding every morning… but now he was alone.

         One day, while he was riding far away into the forest, he was captured by savage Indians. Taken to the tribe, bound and scared, the only thing the King could do was pray and ask God to give him protection and peace.

         Coming to the tribe, the King was surprised by a big party. Drums and bells rang, painted Indians danced around the altar where a priest was still sitting in full trance ... everything was ready for the great feast of sacrifice to the Gods of the Indians.

         As soon as the priest made a small sign some Indians came to the King and untied his hands. After that they began to paint him with bright colors and garish. The priest then came and began to say words that the king did not understand.

         While dancing around the altar, the priest noted that the King did not have one of his fingers. Angry and frustrated, the priest ordered his release. The King could not be offered to their Gods if he had any part of his body missed.

         After being released, the King returned to the castle. While walking through the forest, he was thinking about what just happened: “That is true that all that God does is good. If I hadn’t lost a finger, I would have lost my life.”

         One thing, however, has upsetting the King. What explains the permanence of his loyal Prime Minister in prison all this time? Is this God only just with the King and not to his subjects?

         Arriving to the castle, the King ordered the Prime Minister release and asked the guards to bring him right away to his presence. After all, it was impossible for him to understand why God was so unfair to this kind man.

         As soon as the Prime Minister got into the room the King told him what happened in the morning and said: “Now I understand that I lost a finger in order not to lose my life. However, I do not understand why God has not been kind to you. How could all of this could have been good to you? “

         The wise and patient friend replied, “Has your Highness forgotten that we have the habit of riding together every morning? What would have happened to me if I was with you in the forest today? After all, I have all my fingers...” and continued…”God does things at certain times we cannot understand. We think it is wrong, but in the future we understand that it was for our own good. And finally concludes “we have always to remember…everything God does is good ...”

Material received from Gisel Haddad / KSSF Kardecian Study Society of Florida - USA