Opening Prayer
First: please tell the children the story The Divine Constitution, from Richard Simonetti, Edited by CEAC (p. 22-23).
Second: please make comments on the story highlighting the following:
We can talk to God at anytime and anywhere as He is not restricted to space/time. It only matters to God if we have good feelings; if we cultivate goodness in our hearts whilst we pray.
The Spiritist Doctrine tells us we don’t need to follow any rituals to pray (we don’t need to get down on our knees or join our hands when we pray; we don’t even need to say it out loud. We don’t even need to look at images or use complicated terms within our prayer).
God always listens to our prayers, if they are coming from the heart.
Prayers are never a waste of time; we will feel stronger when we pray. We can also pray in order to feel courageous, get intuition and help from our protector spirit or our spiritual friends.
We just not just be praying, but also doing our part: having good thoughts, saying good words and taking good attitudes.
Third: please tell them the two situations described at The Gospel According to Spiritism, Chapter 27 (ASK AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN); item 3.
Fourth: please comment on the situations, highlighting the conditions for praying:
*sincerity *love *meekness *forgiveness of all offences Fifth: please remember that God:
*self-knowledge (analysing our own imperfections, aiming to make an effort to progress)
*faith *intention in Goodness.
always helps us, but we must have faith and merit;
gives to the ones who pray courage, patience and resignation;
sends his messengers, in order to give good intuition to the ones who pray and to who we pray for.
gives us the free-will; we are held responsible for our own choices.
Sixth: please comment on the importance of doing the Gospel at Home practice (there are some suggested classes in this site); please highlight this is a moment of study and adoration of God.
Seventh - word-hunt activity.
Word-hunt answer sheet.
Closing Prayer
Class suggested being suitable for: 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old) and Youth I (13 to 14 years old).
Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.