Spiritual Influences

         Opening Prayer

         First: tell the following story to the children Joyce’s story.

         Second – please ask them:

          Did you understand the story?

          What happened with Joyce when she was being aggressive?

          What type of influence are we subjected to? Are we subject to influence from disincarnate and incarnated spirits?

         Third: please show them pictures from magazines that represent spiritual influences from disincarnate and incarnated spirits.

          families (since we are young, we are influenced by our parents, brothers and relatives);

          readings, TV, Internet, computer games (show them pictures of children and adults reading, watching TV, playing);

          friends, classmates, work mates, society;

          the influence of thoughts and feelings between incarnated spirits;

          unhappy disincarnate spirits, who haven’t realised the true path to happiness. They connect to us through out thoughts, feelings and attitudes (suggestion: pictures from the International Spiritist Magazine – RIE – July 2003 - pg 309 and January 2004 – pg 647);

          spiritual guide, spiritual friends, relatives in the spiritual world who wish us well.

         Fourth - talk to the children about the following:

          How do negative influences start? Please talk to them about our mental bridge we open through our attitudes and thoughts. Please ask the children to come up with examples. If needed, the Spiritist Educator can add the following day-to-day situations, such as:

          Jealousy at school (better grade; better clothes; better school supplies);

          Demands from parents and teachers (if they ask the child to do something he/she doesn’t want to do; or if the child asks the parents something they can’t give or that is not appropriate to his/her age);

          To lose a game;

          To fight with your brothers;

          To think friend like more the others than you;

          To watch violent movies;

          To play violent games.

         Please give them examples of spiritual tuning, by showing them different sockets (a telephone and two different electrical switches). The sockets that are tuned with our thoughts connect us to other thoughts with the same synchrony. Thus, good thoughts will connect with other good thoughts. On the other hand, negative thoughts and attitudes will attract thoughts and attitudes with the same vibration.

         Fifth: please remember we are all subject to influences since we are all imperfect spirits. It is also important to think why we feel angry or sad, so that we can get to know ourselves better. We will then be able to turn around bad feelings to attitudes of love and charity.

         For instance, if we are nervous or angry we should not swear. We need to calm ourselves down, pray, replace bad thoughts for good ones; with a good vibration.

         If we loose our patience and/or feel angry, this doesn’t mean there is a spirit influencing us. We need to remember most of our attitudes are related to our imperfections. We are all spirits in evolution, liable to make mistakes and/or make it right.

         Sixth - activity: please write a prayer for the protector spirit.

         Final Prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for:2nd cycle (9 to 10 years old) and 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old). It could also be adapted to other cycles, depending on the classes’ maturity and/or conditions.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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