Joyce’s story

         Joyce is calm, friendly and dedicated 12 year old child.

         Therefore, one day she had a tough time at school. She was chatting to a colleague and the teacher reprehended her. Joyce felt ashamed and embarrassed, because she really likes the teacher and knew she wasn’t doing anything wrong.

         On the same evening, her parents invited her to go to a lecture given by Divaldo Pereira Franco, who is a prominent Spiritist speaker and medium. She decided not to go. Besides, she started to scream out loud, with a very weird voice. She said she didn’t want her parents to go to that lecture. She was crying, shouting and begged them to stay home with her.

         Her parents decided to talk to her very peacefully. They said they loved her very much and wanted pray with her. Joyce didn’t want them to pray, but her parents were very firm with her. They were going to pray no matter what. They soon started to pray and Joyce began to feel calmer. She slept earlier on that day. Her father went to the lecture, but her mom stayed home with her.

         On the following day, Joyce said to her parents she couldn’t remember what happened last night. She said she felt like fighting with everyone. It was as if someone was inside her head, telling her to do so.

         Her mom heard her attentively and decided to take her to the nearest spiritist centre. They went there on the same evening to talk to someone who could help them. They were welcomed by a very friendly and kind lady at the centre. She heard Joyce’s story and explained what happened to her.

         She said we are all influenced by our disincarnate brothers and sisters. They connect to us through common interests we might have with them:

         - It’s like us hearing a voice telling us: Do this! Don’t go there! The spirits try to influence us so we do good or bad things. It is up to each of us to decide to follow their advice.

         The lady also said we have our protector angel, who is our friend, always by our side. He/she gives us good advices, but in order to feel his/her presence, we need to listen to our intuition. We must want to follow a good path. She said the best way to connect to him/her is through prayer.

         Mother and daughter learned a lot on that evening. They decided to read books about spiritual influences and always pray whenever they had bad thoughts, so they could get help from their spiritual guides. They also decided to do “Gospel at Home" reading once a week on same day at same time, lasting from 15 to 20 minutes, in any room of the house where participants can sit comfortably.

         Please ask them: Why do you think Joyce stopped suffering from the influence of disincarnated spirits?

         Joyce can feel spiritual influences, just like all of us can. If we acquire knowledge and following Jesus’ teaching, we will be able to perceive more the positive influences that will lead us to a good patch. Let’s watch and pray, as Jesus taught us.

Claudia Schmidt