The Importance of Spiritist Teachings II


         Greetings and Opening prayer

         First: start telling the story Between two worlds. Ask the children to pay close attention to the story that’s going to be told, since they will need to explain the reason for the title of the story. Emphasize that this is based on a true story.

         Second: comment on the story with the children.

          Ask them to explain why the name of the story is "Between two worlds." This name refers to an exchange between the Spirit and the Material World. The story shows what happens in a spiritist education class on the planet Earth, where disincarnate spirits accompany the whole learning process in every class.

          Ask the children if they believe that these visits occur during spiritist education classes.

          Were Alan and Carl children’s classmates? Yes

          What did Alan and Carl have that was different from other children? They were both disincarnate spirits, living in the Spirit World.

          What were they doing at the spiritist education classes? They went there to learn and get prepared for their next incarnation.

          Were there other disincarnate spirits at the spiritist education classes? Yes, there were some other children and their mothers, who were planning to reincarnate into the same family.

          Did you realize there is spiritual preparation for each class? Yes. Who helps preparing the spiritist education classes? The spirits charged with the task of spiritist education in each Spiritist Center. Each child has its duty to help harmonising the class. Remember that the room is also prepared for the lesson. When the spiritist teachers gather to do the lesson, or even when they do it alone, they are also aided by the spirit world through good intuitions and ideas. We can’t see the spiritual friends, but we can feel their good influence.

          Why didn’t those three kids make the most of the class? They were not paying attention; they were talking about other issues. It could be noticed through their attitudes that they let themselves be influenced by unhappy spirits who didn’t want them to progress. These disincarnate spirits hadn’t yet awakened to the true values of the heart; Jesus’ immense love for us all.

         Third: ask them what they have learned at Spiritist education classes so far. After they answer this question, ask if they believe that such knowledge is important for their existence.

         Fourth: ask if they know what a treasure is? It’s something of great value; it’s worth lots of money. And what is a map? A map indicates a path to get somewhere; a direction. What happens to those who find a treasure? They feel happy; they feel rich. How can we use the wealth? We can spend it; share it with others.

         Conclude this point stating that Spiritist Education is a map to a treasure. In these classes we learn Jesus’ teachings and the Spiritist Teachings. These are important lessons on how to act in different situations that will arise throughout life, i.e., they are a way for a true treasure. These classes show us the path of love and happiness. All of us who go, decide to learn and pay attention to the spiritist education classes, follow the treasure map that leads to spiritual evolution.

         Fifth - activity: find the treasure.

         Click here to print the activity.

         Click here to see the answer.

         Note: children will find different paths once doing this activity. Comment that this happens to us; we might decide to take longer or shorter paths; easier or more difficult ones. It will all depend on the choices we make in our daily lives. Highlight that everyone will reach spiritual evolution regardless of which path chosen. We will all reach relative perfection just as Jesus did. Remind them that only God has absolute perfection.

         Closing prayer

         Suggested Class suitable for: second cycle (9 to 10 years old) and third cycle (11 to 12 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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