Between two worlds

         Alan and Carl arrived at the Spiritist Centre when the music that precedes the Spiritist Education Classes was just beginning. They both listened carefully to it. Even though they didn’t know the lyrics of the songs, they knew it was an important moment of spiritual connection. Alan was sad to note that some children weren’t singing and were even hindering their other colleagues from singing; they were saying insults and taunts.v          The two soon boys realized they were not alone: other disincarnate children were also there to learn at the spiritist education class. Some of them were accompanied by their mothers, since they intended to reincarnate in the same family.

         When the children went to class, these spirits accompanied a group of children. They decided to stay in the corner of the room, paying attention to the class. Other Spirits followed them to attend school also. One of the spiritist teachers began the class with a prayer, but not everyone listened to it. Some of the disincarnate spirits, however, could perceive the positive energy that involved the environment due to that heartfelt prayer.

         - Ah! If the incarnate spirits knew the power of a prayer! - Carl thought out loud.

         He realized that spiritist teachers love the task they perform. They know they have the opportunity to help, but they also learn a lot about the Spiritist and Jesus’ teachings. Therefore, they prepare the classes with a lot of love and tend to have the help of spiritual friends who are in charge of the task of spiritist education at the Spiritist Center.

         The lesson of the day was the guardian angel; also called Protector Spirit. He is the Spirit who accompanies and protects us from before birth; he also gives us the intuition to follow the path of goodness.

         The children understood that one can ask the help of a spiritual friend through prayer and that he also represents the goodness of God to his children because he never abandons us.

         During class, Alan got a better understanding of the task that Carl would have during his next incarnation: Alan would soon reincarnate; his protector spirit would be Carl. He was a more evolved Spirit than him, who accepted the task of monitoring Alan. They were already friends, and knew that reincarnation is a precious opportunity to grow and learn.

         Carl noted that not all children made the most of the class, since three of them talked a lot and played at times when the spiritist teachers were teaching. He thought that perhaps those children aren’t yet aware that we make choices about how we make the most of our time everyday; at every moment. Carl was sad to see that those children, due to their actions, were connecting to disincarnate beings that are our brothers, but are very unhappy. These Spirits still don’t have Jesus in their hearts. They don’t want other children to know more about Jesus and his teachings. These children were making wrong choices due to their spiritual tunings. They were failing to make the most of the opportunity to learn lessons that surely would make a difference in difficult times.

         But Alan, Carl and other disincarnate children paid a lot of attention at all times, as well as most of the incarnate children who asked questions and took the time to learn.

         The disincarnate children thanked God for the opportunity to learn at the end of class. They also asked for those three children, so that their protector spirits could inspire them to pay attention to the classes. They hope these children won’t have to learn these lessons later through pain, but through the love of spiritist education classes.

Claudia Schmidt

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies