
         Opening Prayer

         First: tell the following story to the children The three boys.

         Second: : talk to the children about the story, the character’s attitudes and the consequences they faced.

          We can always choose the right attitude. Our attitudes always have consequences.

          To be honest; not to lie; to respect what belongs to others are choices we do everyday.

          It’s not God who chooses on our behalf.

          We all have freedom of choice; which is known as free-will.

          God is not guilty of the choices we make. Hence, He is not guilty of the result of our wrong attitudes; not of the difficulties they will bring us in the future.

         Third: material things are loans from God. We need to make good use of them. We have the freedom of choice in wealth (the choice to help others) and poverty (the choice of not feeling envy, or jealous of what the others have).

         Fourth: please ask the children to tell everyone any examples of honesty. Please see here below some situations that came up in our class:

          Hand back any cash that doesn’t belong to you.

          Do not cheat at exams.

          Tell the truth (it is easier to forgive a something that happened than a lie).

          Return any lost belongings.

          Do not take anything that belongs to your brothers and/or friends without asking their permission first.

         Obs.: one child told us the story of a boy who kept pretending to drown. He wanted other people to help him, but when they got closer he started to laugh. One day he was drown for real, but cried for help and no one came to rescue him. They all thought he was just playing up; he ended up drowing for good.

         Fifth: please remember the phrase: Do to others what you would like to be done to you.

         Sixth: read or tell the story an unforgettable fishery. to the children. The spiritist teacher needs to take some pictures to illustrate the story.

         Please comment:

          We should always be honest, even if no one is watching us.

          We sometimes make mistakes; after all, we are learning. We need to forgive ourselves and keep trying to make it right.

          When we are in doubt in regards to which attitude to follow, we need to pray and ask the spiritual benefactors for their help, in order to follow the good path (talk to our spiritual guide).

         Obs.: the story could be read by the Spiritist teacher so that the children can reflect on the message. It is important that the reading is clear and paused, to allow them to understand the message; without loosing focus on the story.

         Seventh: ask the children to do one of the following tasks:

         * Write three phrases about the topic discussed (honesty);

         * Describe a situation that involves the topic discussed (honesty);

         * Please draw a picture that represents an honest attitude.

         Obs.: after they finish with this activity, they should all share their answers with their colleagues. Whoever drew a picture can explain the meaning of it. It will be necessary for the Spiritist Teacher to help the children and stimulate them to participate.

         Eighth: Additional activity related to the topic discussed.

         Click here to find the material to be used - received from Gisel Haddad / KSSF Kardecian Study Society of Florida - USA.

         Final Prayer

         Class suggested to be suitable for:2nd cycle (9 to 10 years old) and 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old). It could also be adapted to other cycles, depending on the classes’ maturity and/or conditions.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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