Examples of stealing

         1 – As a person:
         Material: Stealing a toy from a friend, etc
         Non-material: Stealing an idea from a friend and saying that was yours

         2 – In a group:
         Material: Getting water/fizzy drinks from a restaurant when you are supposed to pay for them first
         Non-material: When you are cheating in a game or being mean to your friend’s b-day party

         3 – At home:
         Material: You get money from your mom’s purse without asking or eating candy when you are not suppose to eat it
         Non-material: When you don’t let other people to talk.

         4 – At school:
         Material: You borrow your friend’s mechanical pencil or his/her book and don’t return it
         Non-material: When you cheat in a test

         5 – As a nation:
         Material: When we vandalize the street walls, destroy public restrooms
         Non-material: When we join in a hatred group, when we have prejudice towards others

         6 – As a planet:
         Material: When we throw garbage on the ground, when we waste energy
         Non-material: When we promote war, have destruction thoughts against our planet
         Now…let’s think the opposite…





Material received from Gisel Haddad / KSSF Kardecian Study Society of Florida - USA