
         Opening prayer

         First: ask the children if they know who Chico Xavier is. Listen to their answers adding, if necessary, that Francisco Cândido Xavier was someone who dedicated his last incarnation to goodness, to others, to charity.

         Chico Xavier's spiritual guide was Emmanuel. Francisco Cândido Xavier wrote 412 books; sold 40 million units in 33 languages, including 30 books in Braille. However, Chico Xavier has denied the authorship of the books and has never received any copyright for any book. All the revenue with the selling has been donated to beneficent institutions.

         He had the assistance of his mentor (spiritual guide) Emmanuel in this task of automatic writing; that is, psychography, writings that the disincarnate spirits dictate.

         Click here to find additional information about Emmanuel’s life, taken from the Spiritist Group of Advanced Studies (GEAE) www.geae.inf.br

         Second: tell them one of the stories about Emmanuel and Chico Xavier. There is a suggested story here below.

         Emmanuel had a serious talk with Chico when he was nearly 20 years old:

         - Chico, do you really want to be a medium?

         Chico said yes. The mentor then said that three things were needed:

         "The first is discipline”.

         “All right”, said Chico. “And the second”?

         - “Discipline”.

         - “And the third?” – Chico asked.

         - “Discipline. Do you agree with these conditions?”

         Chico accepted those conditions.

         - “So let’s work” – the mentor continued. “Let's write 30 books”.

         Chico jumped. Where would he get money to buy paper, ink? Who would publish them?

         His first published work was Parnassus From Beyond the Tomb in 1932. It contains 259 poems by 56 Brazilian and Portuguese poets. The literary standard was high and judged to be characteristic of the work of the writers in their lifetime.

         Chico psychographed the first lot of 30 books; throughout his life, he psychographed a total of 412 books; all authored by disincarnate spirits. Chico always said he didn’t write any books; they were all written by the spirits. He sold millions of books and never received any money for himself. He donated all the money received from the psychographed books to Charities, to assist the poor.

         Emmanuel said that if he ever advised Chico to something that was against the words of Jesus and Kardec, he should forget it, remaining faithful to Jesus and Kardec.

         Note: If necessary, the spiritist teacher should ask the children if they remember the meaning of the terms: medium, mediumship, automatic writing. Remember them also of the importance of the message from Emmanuel, stressing that without discipline it would have been very difficult for Chico Xavier to accomplish its mission.

         Third: tell them about Emmanuel’s previous incarnations.

         By the time Jesus was on earth, Emmanuel incarnated as Publius Lentulus, a Roman senator who personally met Jesus and asked him to heal his daughter Flavia, who had leprosy. He also wrote a letter in which he describes Jesus. He disincarnated in Pompeii in AD 79, a victim of the Vesuvius’ lavas.

         Later, he reincarnated in Ephesus, Greece, as a humble slave named Nestorius. He participated in Christians secret meetings in the catacombs of Rome.

         Emmanuel was also Father Manoel da Nóbrega, reborn on 18th October, 1517 in Portugal. He joined the University of Salamanca, Spain, at age 17 and at 21, enrolled at the College of Canons of the University of Coimbra, attending classes of Canon Law and Philosophy. On 14th June, 1541, he received the laurel doctoral.

         Later, on 25th January 1554, he was one of the founders of the city of São Paulo. He was also the founder of the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil's first capital. The news that Emmanuel was Father Manoel da Nóbrega, were unveiled by Emmanuel himself, through the reputable mediumship of Francisco Cândido Xavier.

         Here's the letter written by Publius Lentulus.

         Fourth: Emmanuel was also part of the phalanx of the Spirit of truth, which brought to earth a restored Christianity, definition of Spiritism. In the "Gospel According to Spiritism”, of Allan Kardec, there is an Emmanuel’s message received in Paris, 1861, entitled Selfishness (Chapter XI - 11). If possible, show them the book and reading a part of the message.

         Fifth: speak (and show, if possible), some of the books psychographed by Chico Xavier and dictated by Emmanuel: Paul and Stephen; Two Thousand Years Ago, Fifty Years Later; Ave, Christ; Pathway, the Truth and Life, Our Daily Bread; among others.

         Sixth: Distribute phrases from Emmanuel for the children to assemble. The sentences must be written on small pieces of paper and cut, word by word. They should be placed in order by the children, as in a puzzle. Each child can comment on the phrase found, once assembled.

         See suggested phrases from Emmanuel.

          Charity is the process of adding joy, decreasing evil, multiplying hope and sharing happiness so that earth becomes the Kingdom of God.

          Chance is not in the bonds of kinship.

          The phrase of hope is a flood of light.

          Humility is the key to our liberation. The work of charity changes everything for the good.

          Earth is a cosmic vessel of vast proportions and we must not forget that the Lord remains vigilant at the helm.

          Victory in fight for good against evil will be up to the server who is able to persevere with the Divine Law up until the end.

          Accept you as you are and accept your life, in the condition you are now, so that you can make changes in yourself where possible.

          We understand that it is only by cooperating in the peace of others that the call for peace will come to meet us.

          Trust God but do not forget that God trusts you.

          Cultivate the joy of being useful.

          You will reap all that you sow.

          You will win by force of example.

          We can all offer comfort, warmth, kindness, encouragement.

          Humility is the key to our liberation.

          "... Trust, follow, work, construct goodness and keep the certainty that in order to achieve happiness, you need to do your duty; God does the rest."

         Seventh – activity: crossword with the works of Emmanuel.

         Click here to view the crossword.

         Click here to see the answer.

         Closing prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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