Description of Emmanuel, by Chico Xavier:

         "I remember that in 1931, in one of our regular meetings, I saw by my side for the first time the meek Spirit Emmanuel. I was psychographing, at that time, the productions of the first mediumship book, received through my humble abilities. And I was experiencing the symptoms of serious eye disease."

         "By him the old man's facial features, feeling my soul wrapped in the softness of his presence, but what impressed me most was that the generous entity made visible to me, inside of light reflections that had the shape of a cross. To my natural questions the good guide answered me: ‘Rest! When you feel stronger, I intend to also collaborate in the dissemination of the spiritual philosophy. I have always followed your steps and only now you see me in your present existence, but our spirits are united by holy living bonds and the affective feeling that compels me to your heart is rooted deep in the night of ages...’"

         "This statement was an immense comfort to me, and since that time, I constantly feel the presence of this invisible friend. He is directing to my medium activities, is always at our side at all difficult times, helping us to think better on the way through our earthly existence. His promise to cooperate in the spreading of the consoling doctrine of spirits has been completely fulfilled. Since 1933, Emmanuel has produced, through me, the most different pages on different subjects. Prompted by our brothers to rule about this or that issue, I notice on him always the highest degree of tolerance, kindness and gentleness. He is always addressing any problems with the utmost respect for the freedom and ideas of others. When asked to identify himself, he repeatedly dodged delicately, saying private and respectable reasons. However, he had been at its final passage by the planet, a Catholic priest, disembodied in Brazil. Taking his dissertations to the distant past, he claims to have lived at the time of Jesus, when he was called Publius Lentulus. And indeed, Emmanuel, in all circumstances, has given to those who seek, the testimony of great experience and great culture."

         "Often when I stand in relation to the memories of my past lives and feelings of anguish are in my heart, I feel from him a friendly and comforting word. Emmanuel brings me to ancient ages and explains the whys for the great and small tribulations of every moment. I get it consistently, with his assistance, an indescribable comfort. That is how I renew my energies to the thorny mediumship task, in which we are still so misunderstood."

         We can have a better understanding of Emmanuel through his works "Há dois mil anos” (two thousand years ago - ISBN 85-7328-074-3), and "Cinquenta anos depois” (fifty years later – ISBN 85-7328-367-X). These books are true masterpieces of mediumship literature and history.

         Emmanuel also lived under the personality of Manoel da Nobrega, reborn on October 18, 1517, in Sanfins, Portugal. On January 25, 1554, he was one of the main founders of the São Paulo city, Brazil. He was also the founder of the Salvador city, Bahia, Brazil's first capital. The information that Emmanuel would have been Priest Manoel da Nobrega was given by Emmanuel himself in several communications. Emmanuel was also part of the phalanx of the Spirit of truth, which brought to earth a restored Christianity, definition of Spiritism. In the "Gospel According to Spiritism”, of Allan Kardec, there is an Emmanuel’s message received in Paris, 1861, entitled The Selfishness (Chapter XI - 11).

         Besides the two previous mentioned historical books, there is "Paulo e Estevão” (Paul and Stephen - ISBN 85-7328-365-5), a work which according to Herculano Pires justify by itself the mediumship mission of Francisco Cândido Xavier. "Ave Cristo” (Ave Christ - ISBN 85-7328-366-1) and "Renuncia” (waiver, ISBN-10 85-7328-363-7) along with the aforementioned, help us understand the birth of Christianity and then its gradual adulteration.

         Biography taken from the Spiritist Group of Advanced Studies (GEAE)