Drugs - Alcohol, gateway to other drugs

         Greetings and Opening Prayer

         First: Glue on the board, or somewhere else visible, a big heart drawn on cardboard paper (or coloured paper). Ask the children to write down the name of a drug they know (they heard about, saw on TV, newspapers, Internet) in little coloured papers distributed in advance. Then, paste the answers provided outside of the heart.

         Obs.: If none of the children wrote ALCOHOL down as an option, the Spiritist teacher should add a paper with the name of this drug. If deemed necessary, he/she may include more specific names: beer, wine, whisk, mojito, vodka, and martini - the most consumed drinks by young people.

         Second: ask them to write, also in small scraps of paper, what drugs mean to each of them and to society. The Spiritist teacher should lead the answers to be: violence, destruction of families, abandonment, diseases and all negative consequences that drugs cause.

         Third: talk about drugs, noting that the best approach is to not try them. If those who call themselves friends insist (for you to use drugs), it’s best to be firm, knowing that drugs are bad for the body and Spirit.

         Click here to see resources for the Spiritist Teacher.

         Fourth: talk specifically about the side effects of alcohol. Remember that no one gets drunk from one day to another but experimenting, trying today and again on another day, and another, until you realize you're hooked. Addiction begins with an innocent appetizer, repeated through social habits (drinking socially). It ends up becominga necessity that must be met regularly, until the personbecomes completely dependent. According to doctors, someone who can’t go a week without drinking alcohol is considered an alcoholic.

          What happens to beer when it enters your mouth? All foods begin to be digested in the mouth (with saliva) and then go to the stomach "facing" the powerful gastric juices. It then goes to the intestines and finally into the blood stream. Since alcohol passes straight through the mouth, it passes quickly through the stomach (it still can cause great damage - gastritis). Then it is directly absorbed in the form of ethanol by the intestine into the blood stream, which circulates throughout the body because it is responsible for the nutrition of every organ. Alcoholwill ride throughout our blood stream. It then reaches the brain, the body organ it likes best; but it also passes through the liver.

          What happens in the brain when a person drinks? Alcohol orders the brain to manufacture substances that change the behaviour of the person.Thus, it interferes in all senses: vision, hearing, and taste, smell and touch changes.

         - The vision can no longer determine distances, everything is blurred.Drinking can cause eye redness. Alcohol causes the blood vessels in your eyes to expand, making them more prominent.

         - Shuffle thoughts: it is hard to think straight and make decisions; often resulting in unintended pregnancy.

         – It alters the part of the brain responsible for emotions: there is exaggeration in the reactions (laugh, cry, aggressive and depressed mood).Anything can happen; what is worse, at the same time!

         - The cerebellum, which controls movement, is knocked out quickly.The balance of the body becomes difficult and, depending on the amount of alcohol in the blood stream, the individual can’t even stand up - so if we ask someone who drank to stand in one leg only, he/she can’t.

         - It affects the hypothalamus, which controls sexual performance.The person may have the will, but nothing works right.

         Note: the Spiritist teacher can take the test below, show it in Power point or printed on two sheets of paper, so that children can understand what happens to the body when someone drinks.

         Click here to view and download the PowerPoint.

          Alcohol is also a high source of calories. Example: five cans of beer contain 750 calories, ready to turn into fat.The person who drank too this amount has to run more than 1 hour to be able to burn so many calories.

          Alcohol is the number one drug problem among young people. It is the gateway to other drugs such as cocaine, crack.

          Harmful effects of alcohol:

         * Problems at home

         * Divorce / Separation

         * Unemployment

         * Accidents

         * Memory loss

         * Pathological Jealousy

         * Alienation

         * Dementia

         * Hepatitis - liver cirrhosis

         * Inflammation of the nerves

         * Heart problems

         * Pancreatic dysfunction

         * Gastritis, stomach ulcers

         * Sexual Impotence

         * Brain Injury

         * Cancer (mouth, oesophagus, stomach)

         Fifth: alcohol also affects our spiritual body.

          Releases toxins that permeate the perispirit;

          Introduces impurities, making it difficult for the individual to receive the positive vibes that could be received from healing and prayers;

          Increased resistance (difficulty) to spiritual treatment: healing, vibrations, prayer;

          The dependence continues after death;

          Lesions in the physical body are reflected in the spiritual body, causing the perispirit to print the consequences of such injuries in future physiological organizations;

          The perispirit transfers to the next body the predisposition to alcoholism that should be overcome in the new incarnation.

         Sixth: remind them that the person who dependents on alcohol and other drugs becomes an instrument of inferior spirits and/or addicts who take drugs through the incarnate spirit and encourage him/her (through mental suggestion) so that he/she continues to do drugs. The disincarnate spirits want to continue taking advantage of the fluids as well after the death of their physical body.This influence happens through a spiritual connection that often happens because the disincarnate spirit seeks revenge from the incarnate one. Drugsare a powerful way to involve/destruct an incarnation.

         Seventh: the person who takes drugs commits indirect suicide; due to the use he/she makes of his/her physical body.This person will respond after disincarnating for the use/abuse during corporeal existence.Whoever disincarnates addicted to drugs will continue searching for drugs in the Spirit World, obsessing incarnate spirits to support their vice.This occurs until he/she gives an account of his/hermistaken attitudes, repents and decides to redeem his/her mistakes in a new and difficult incarnation in the physical body.

         Eighth: Spiritism helps young people to find a sense of existence, away from drugs, explaining what we are, where we came from, and the reason why we are here, why we suffer and where we are headed to.Moreover, in the Spiritist Centre:

          healing assists in regaining health, balancing emotions, detoxification, restoration of the perispirit;

          magnetized water contributes to regaining full health;

          disobsession assists in the interruption of the mental exchange between obsessed and obsessing spirits;

          Prayer helps to gain strength, inspiration and confidence in yourself and in God;

          Spiritist teachings promote new opportunities for inner growth and new mood.

         Ninth: if possible, tell them the story of Jacqueline, a young woman who was once returning from a party and had an accident. Herphysical body became completely deformed, as a consequence. Her physical and spiritual pain is immense.

         Click here to see the Power Point.

         Tenth: ask them to write on small pieces of paper what actions they are taking or may take to prevent drug addiction in their lives and in the lives of those they love (including alcohol addiction). Place the papers within the heart, leaving this work exposed for several weeks in the classroom.

         If possible tell them about support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous - AA in your city, remembering the importance of seeking medical and psychological help. In ‘Seara do Mestre’, we have a FRATERNAL ASSISTANCE, group, a self-help group for addicts who wish to free themselves from licit or illicit drug use. It also assists relatives and friends of addicts. This is a pioneer project as it joins the Spiritist Teachers to the methodology of self-help groups against drug addiction, such as Alcoholics Anonymous and ‘Amor Exigente’.


         GAME PAGE activity taken from Noarlunga Health Services .

         GAME PAGE Questions activity taken from Noarlunga Health Services.

         Closing Prayer

         Class Suggested being suitable for: 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old) and Youth I (13 to 14 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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