God, the primary cause II

          Opening Prayer

          First: please distribute small pieces of paper to each child and ask them to write down two qualities they have. As soon as they finish writing it don, please ask each child to say their qualities out loud. The spiritist teacher should write the different qualities the children are saying on the board. Please if God has any of the attributes written on the board. God actually has all these qualities.

          Second: please ask each child how can we know, for sure, if God exists even if we can’t see Him? We can’t see the wind, but we can feel it. We can feel God and His love, through his Creation (flowers, plants, stars, sun, ocean, animals…). God reveals Itself through His Creation: the human beings; the nature… Men wouldn’t be able to make the sun, the moon, the stars, the oceans, the animals, the planets… We can feel God in the vibrations of His infinite love. God loves all his sons equally.

          Third: God sees everything; He knows everything. The world around us is the best evidence and proof that God created the universe. The very existence of the universe cannot be understood or explained using our five senses. God is present in our lives through his messengers; our guardian angel. God’s kindness is present through the laws of love, forgiveness and evolution.

          Fourth: It will be easier for us to identify the presence of God if we recognize and identify the Divine greatness. Hence, it is important for us to get to know qualities of God that we don’t have within us. Please distribute a piece of paper to each child which will contain one of God’s attributes and its explanation. This has been taken from The Spirits' Book question 13.

          Please split the children into groups and ask each group to explain one of God’s attributes. The spiritist teacher and the children should complement the missing explanations from the groups, after they present their opinion on their God’s attributes.

          Click here to read God’s attributes.

          Fifth: Please conclude this activity by saying that total only God is totally perfect. We can’t understand God totally because we are imperfect spirits; but we can feel Him through his work. He looks us all equally and wishes us well.

          Sixth: please tell the children the story Yes; No; Wait.

          In order to illustrate the story the spiritist teacher can use one A4 sheet paper to write with colourful pens the list of present. In another A4 sheet the teacher could list the answers given by the mother: YES, NO, WAIT.

          It’ important to highlight that when we receive a YES from God is because we deserve what we asked for and our wish will help our spiritual evolution. The teacher can mention that parents are used to giving presents to the children that will contribute to their development. When God says NO<.b> is because this was the best answer for our request (parents do not consider their children’s wishes if they believe it will cause them damage). When God asks us to WAIT, we need to have faith, patience and trust on our Father, because He knows what is best for us. This could be compare to a parent not giving a car as a present to a child, since she/he would need to wait for the right time.

          Closing Prayer

          Class suggested being suitable for: 2nd cycle (9 to 10 years old) and 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old); depending on the classes’ maturity and/or conditions.


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