Yes, No, Wait

          One day, I decided to make a list of things I want to get as Christmas presents. I gave it to my mom: one football, one videogame and a mobile phone.

          I got an answer back from her, in writing: Yes, No, wait…

          I didn’t understand the note, and decided to ask her to explain it to me. She said that each word was referring to an individual answer for each of my wishes. Hence:

          Football = Yes

          Videogame = No

          Mobile phone = Wait

          I then understood I was going to get a football for Christmas, but she would not give me a videogame since the one I wanted was war related.

          - Son, it’s not good or education to be playing up with war games. These games, son, are encouraging war, since you are shooting, destroying cities, killing people… Every holiday season manufactures prey on the children with pro-war propaganda disguised as innocent toys. These games are just like a real war. I don’t want you to grow up thinking its fun to kill.

          She also explained the third answer is to wait since this is not the right time for me to get a mobile phone:

          - There is always the right time for everything, son. In the near future you will get one, depending on your maturity and responsibility. It’s too early now; please be patient.

          I don’t agree with my mom since I am now eleven years old. I now know I won’t get a mobile phone for Christmas. My mom then explained God also operates in a similar way. We can ask Him for things, but he waits for the right time to answer what we asked Him.

          - God only do what we ask if this is something we deserve or if this will help us in our spiritual evolution. If we are not listened, give it some time. We might realise our request was not really good for us.

          My mom noticed I was listening to her quite carefully and decided to continue:

          - When God answers our prayers, we need to wait; we need to trust Him. We should pray, have faith and develop our patience because God know what is best for us.

          I now realise I don’t need to put up a fight or feel sorry for not getting everything I have asked for. I know if I complain nothing will change. It’s best to wait and avoid discussion.

Claudia Schmidt

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.