Jesus – cures III

         Opening Prayer

         First: please ask the children the questions displayed here below. The first child who answers it should get a paper heart where she/he will need to write down the correct answer on it. Each paper heart will have a different answer. This should be kept until the end of this class for another activity. As soon as all questions have been answered, please ask the children to keep their paper hearts with them as they will be used later on.

         Questions (you could also include other questions according to what was taught during the year, as long as they are related to Jesus):

          How did Jesus teach? Jesus used to teach us through parables (a parable is an earthly story with a spiritual truth), sermons, dialogues and leading by His example.

          Who were Jesus’ parents? Joseph and Mary.

          How is Jesus related to us? He is our brother and master.

          Please mention some of the parables: Prodigal son, Growing seed, Feast invitations, Mustard seed, Ten talents, etc.

          What are Jesus’ teachings? Prayer, forgiveness, love, charity, friendship, affection, respect, peace and meekness

          Did Jesus cure anyone? He healed the paralytic at Bethesda, the Paralytic in Capharnaum, people who were ill, Peter's Mother-in-law, the Centurion's servant, the nobleman’s son, etc.

         Second: please tell them the story Healing of the Blind Man at Siloe.

         Third - activity: make a panel with the title: Learning with Jesus. Please distribute one paper doll for each child to color it as they wish – this paper doll will represent each of them in the activity. Make sure the paper dolls are standing in a circle around the image of Jesus, which needs to be glued in the middle of the panel. Please ask the children later on to glue the paper hearts they have from the 1st activity. This will represent the things they learned about (with) Jesus.

         Click here to find examples for the paper dolls to be printed.

         Click here to find our panel.

         Closing Prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: 2nd cycle (9 to 10 years old) and 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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