Sharing is good

         Obs.: in previous class, we asked for the children to bring to the next class ("Sharing is good") a toy they like to play with their colleagues; another one they don’t like much (and would like to exchange it with another colleague); and one for donation. Each child would then bring a total of three toys.

         If the spiritist teacher thinks this activity can generate turmoil, ask the children to only bring a toy to be donated.

         Opening prayer

         Lesson Objectives: lead the children to understand that "Sharing" is to participate in activities that benefit others and ourselves. Not only do we donate supplies, but also warmth, sharing and cooperating in attitudes to each other. Make them aware that we are all brothers and we should help one another.

         First: survey their behaviour and feelings through a group dialogue on the feelings experienced by the children.


          From whom did they get the toy they brought to this class from?

          Why do they like the toy?

          What memories do these toys bring you?

          Did you find it difficult to choose the toys?

          Did you like the idea or did you feel bad about giving your toys to strangers?

          What do you think about sharing your belongings with your classmates?

          Is our body a loan from God? Because it is the temporary residence of the Spirit.

         Second: collect the toys that were taken for donation. Ask the children place the toys they brought to play and exchange with their colleagues in a box or bag, previously prepared by the spiritist teacher. Let them know who will get the toys they brought to be donated.

         Third: explain to the children that everyone will receive a bag with toys. After they received their own toy, everyone can play harmoniously for five minutes.

         Fourth: implement the group dynamic It is giving that we receive.

         Fifth: pick up assembled toys and talk to the children about what happened in the group dynamics. Conclude it by talking about the purpose of the activity. Ask:

          What does the word share mean (wait for the answers and then immediately clarify the meaning, in case it’s necessary).

          What was the benefit in sharing parts of toys with colleagues?

          What can we share with our neighbours in our daily lives?

         Remember that we can share:

         Material Goods (material charity): donating food, clothes, money, medicine, toys and school supplies.

         Spiritual Goods (moral charity): prayer, positive vibes, sincere forgiveness, feelings of love and affection, console in times of difficulties, a hug, a smile, a handshake, kindness, compassion and understanding.

         * If the children question saying that a person can spend the money on something else rather than the reasons we gave them the money for, the spiritist teacher should argue that what counts is our intention to help. What the person is going to do with money or the other material resource she/he received is not our business. What will count to God will be "our attitudes." Each one is responsible for their attitudes, thoughts and words.

         Sixth: tell the story A chat on the bus.

         Seventh: talk in group about the story. Conclude saying that: "Sharing" is to participate in activities that benefit others and us. Therefore, we must not only donate material things, but also human warmth, with our personal participation as the story tells us. Comment on how much they are privileged for having a family, for having what to eat every day, for having a warm bed to sleep; that is, all the comfort and gifts they earn during the year.

         Eighth: the spiritist teacher should ask the children to think about the children and young people who do not have everything they have; especially children living in orphanages and unprivileged homes. Ask them to stay silent for a moment to reflect on this matter. Shortly thereafter, the spiritist teacher should ask for suggestions, to brighten the lives of these children and youth in need of comfort and warmth (the ideal would be to lead them to engage on collecting toys, clothes and food for donation).

         After hearing their suggestions, the spiritist teacher should tell them the importance of all to engage in collecting toys, clothes, shoes and anything that might bring a little more comfort to these brothers.

         Remember that we are in a privileged situation, but that tomorrow we never know; by helping today, surely we will be helped tomorrow. This is called "LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT".

         Ninth: children can get the toys they have brought to class, exchange them and play along with their colleagues.

         Closing Prayer

         A T E N T I O N!! The spiritist teacher should only allow access to toys that the children brought to play after the end of class. The reason is because if the children have the toys in hand, they will have difficulty concentrating on the message of the class, because their attention will focus on the toys. Their brains will only be thinking of one thing: Play... play... play...

         Suggested lesson sent by Sandra Ramos Medeiros, do CEFAC – Centro Espírita Fé, Amor e Caridade, da cidade de Campo Grande/MS.

         Suggested Class suitable for: first cycle (7 to 8 years old), second cycle (9 to 10 years old) and third cycle (11 to 12 years old); adapting according to the class maturity.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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