It is in giving that we receive

         GROUP DINAMICS: “It is in giving that we receive”

         OBJECTIVES: encourage participants to reflect upon the need for cooperation, namely; that is, sharing is good for everyone.

         MATERIAL: girls and boys’ toys (many puzzles can also be used).

         Step One - The spiritist teacher should get some toys for boys and girls; mix or dismantle them (if possible).

         Step Two - Next take the pieces and make kits (bags) with toys / pieces to hand over to each of the students (each kit must have pieces from both types of toys; that is, boy and girl).

         Step Three - The spiritist teacher will hand over a bag for each child. After having delivered all kits, he/she should allow everyone to play. (The spiritist teacher should only observe their reactions without influencing them - see if they will get the idea of exchanging parts of the toys with the other colleagues, so they can assemble them to play, which will benefit everyone).

         Obs.: If one child says it’s not possible to play and ask for the toys they brought, the spiritist teacher should say that at the moment, they can only play with what they have in hand. Later they will have time to play with the toys that they brought.

         When everyone manages to assemble their toys, the spiritist teacher should give them a few minutes to enjoy the discovery that SHARING IS GOOD!