Collaboration II

         Opening Prayer

         First: use the group dynamics called Mutual Help. It’s important for the spiritist teacher to take part on this activity. If the children can’t figure out how to eat the lollypops the spiritist should start the learning opportunity.

         Second - ask the children: how did you manage to eat the lollypop? With the help of your colleague. What was necessary to happen? Ask for help and help as well. Was it important to help? Yes. Why? Because without the help of our colleagues we would not be able to eat the lollypops. What was the objective of this group dynamics? The objective was to realise the importance of helping each other.

         Third: explain that collaboration means helping our fellow colleagues accomplish their tasks; helping someone to achieve/do something. Please mention examples of collaboration: help someone carry books, help with the house duties, and help someone cross the street, teach a colleague something or a subject. What about the ones who don’t like to collaborate? It’s important to have good will to do the task. As soon as we start helping the feeling of slowness goes away.

         Fourth: please ask the children where we can collaborate. We can help someone to do something at home, at school, in our neighbourhood, at work, with friends, family, relatives, etc. We can also help at the spiritist centre, in the streets, with the nature; that is, in various places.

         Fifth: split the children into pairs and distribute small pieces of colourful paper to each pair so they can write down collaborative situations and attitudes at the following places (ask each pair to focus on one place):

          with our family

          at school

          in our neighbourhood

          at work

          with our friends

          at the spiritist centre

          in the streets

          with the traffic

          with the nature

         As soon as this task in completed, each pair should read the situations they wrote to the rest of the group.

         Obs.: depending on how long you have available for the class, marionettes could be used to rehearse some of the situations described by the children. If there are no marionettes available, each pair could stage them.

         Sixth: tell the children the story in which Chico Xavier stopped to help a lady; explain to them about the fluids we send and receive when we help someone (free adaptation).

         Obs.: story called "Vá com Deus", taken from the book Lindos casos de Chico Xavier, from Ramiro Gama, edited by Lake.

         Click here to find the story.

         Finish the story asking them:

          How do you feel when you collaborate?

          How do you feel when you receive help?

          Remind them that the person who helps sends good vibrations, as well as the person who receives help.

         Seventh: please distribute a small text to the children with a small summary of the topic of this class, so they can glue into their notebooks.

         Suggested text to be used:


         To collaborate means helping others accomplish their tasks. To collaborate is to be willing to help and have good will. Everything good you do to others will always come back to you.

         Eighth - learning opportunity: elaborate a panel with the collaborations written by the children. Glue the pieces of colourful paper they wrote on collaborative situations into this panel. The children can decorate it with colourful drawings or sticks. It’s important that everyone collaborates with this task. As soon as the panel is completed, the spiritist teacher should highlight that, with everyone’s collaboration, we have created a beautiful piece of work. The topic discussed on this class could also be written on it, stating the objective of this artwork.

         Closing Prayer

         Class Suggested being suitable for: 2nd cycle (9 to 10 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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