God Bless You

          Chico Xavier was a very important medium who psychographed hundreds of books. He was a very kind and hard working man. Emmanuel is a disincarnate spirit who was the spirit-protector of Chico Xavier during his last reincarnation. Emmanuel always gave good advice to Chico, helping and being by his side in many occasions.

          Chico knew many things about the Spiritual World. He also knew that words and feelings we emit contain fluids; energies. If we send positive thoughts and words, positive energies will also be emitted. Therefore, if we send words and thoughts of hate or revenge, the energies we emit won’t be good.

          Chico worked at the Ministry of Agriculture as a copyist (writing reports) in a place called Fazenda Modelo.

          One day he was going to work by foot. He was rushing as he was quite late for work when one of his neighbours called him:

          - Chico, I need your help. I have a question. You are the only one who can help me.

          - I am in a rush at the moment, Chico said. I will talk to you when I come back at lunch time.

          He then left his neighbour. He walked five steps and heard Emmanuel’s voice:

          - Five minutes won’t cause you any damage. Talk to her.

          Chico listened to his friend and came back. He heard what the woman had to say and was able to answer her questions. It didn’t even take five minutes of his time. His neighbour was so happy she said:

          - Thank you so much, Chico. God Bless You.

          Chico said good-bye to her and started walking towards his work. Emmanuel then gave him another advice: he asked Chico to look back.

          Chico looked and was able to see a white mass of energy from her lips coming towards him. That enlightening energy reached Chico as if it was hugging him.

          Emmanuel then said:

          - Imagine if instead of saying ‘God Bless You’ she felt angry because you didn’t stop to talk to her. She would have sent words and thoughts of hate. These energies would be quite dark and heavy. They would damage you and her as well.

          This is how Chico learned that when we collaborate with good-will, good-humour, we send and receive positive energies.

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.