Good manners – good education

         Opening prayer

         First: Tell the children the story called The Magic Words.

         Obs.: It is suggested that the story is told using drawings of people glued to popsicle sticks. In the part of the story where it says... they distributed colourful little notes throughout the house with situations in which the magic words should be used... The Spiritist volunteer should do small plaques with the messages from the stickers and paste it into a poster or a model/mock-up.

         Second: Comment that Antonia taught her cousin Elisa the magic words, in the story. And do you know the magic words? Who taught you them? Do you normally use them? Where? In which situations should they be used?

         Please ask them to mention examples of places where the magic words could be used:

          * with the family.

          * at school.

          * at Spiritist education classes.

          * with friends.

          * in the street.

         Third: Rehearse practical situations where the magic words can be used.

          * Ask someone to lend the pencil case, the pencil and other available materials.

          * Get a bag of sweets and ask one of the children to distribute it among the rest of the group.

          * Leave the room and come in, asking permission to come in.

          * Simulate a situation where a child might apologize to another.

         Note: these practical examples make the child realise the difference it makes in relationships when the magic words are used.

         Fourth: Comment on how good education can be demonstrated in day-to-day situations:

          * How can I ask to go to the toilet? You don’t need to mention what you will be doing in the toilet.

          * Do not poke your nose in front of other people. One should go to the bathroom to do it.

          * Do not interrupt the conversation of others. Know how to wait your turn to speak.

          * You must raise your finger when you want to talk, interrupting the teacher.

          * Put your hand in your mouth when you cough.

          * Apologize if you burp.

          * It’s importantly to thank God verbally or mentally for the food received at meal times.

          * Chew with your mouth shut.

          * Greet people good morning, good afternoon, good evening; preferably with a smile. This attitude should be used within the family, at school; with employees in the stores and other public places.

          * Thank for the present you receive, even if it’s something you didn’t like.

          * Boys and girls should not urinate in the street or anywhere other than the bathroom. Always use the bathroom.

          * Don’t jump the queue; wait your turn.

          * Don’t point out other peoples’ mistakes, commenting it with others.

          * Lower your voice when you are talking to another person; you can listen each one well if you are near enough. There’s no need to shout.

          * Never hit, take your colleague’s belongings or swear.

          * Throw rubbish in the bin or keep it until you find a bin.

         Fifth: Mention to the children that people enjoy dealing will loving and well-educated children. A good education, the use of magic words, facilitates relationships with people. It opens doors for good things to happen in our lives. An educated child is always fondly remembered.

         Remind them that magic words, good manners, are very simple rules that make our days easier and happier.

         I am sorry, please, excuse me, thank you are called magic words because they help us live better.

         Sixth: Watch the PPS called Magic Words. Get the children to interact with the images and explain what is going on in each slide and what magic word needs to be used in every situation.

         Seventh: Show the video the following video, which can be found on Youtube from APPU SERIES

         Ask the children to repeat after the video, especially the words below which are related to Good manners.

         Good manners:
         Say ‘Hello!’ when you meet someone.
         Say ‘sorry!’ when you are wrong.
         Say ‘good bye!’ when you leave.
         Say ‘thank you!’ when someone helps you or does you a favour.
         When someone thanks you, say ‘welcome’!
         Greet your teachers every day with a smile.
         Say ‘please’! if you want something.
         Share your things with your friends.
         Be kind to animals.
         Do not interrupt when others are speaking.
         Do not talk with your mouth full.
         Always ask before borrowing somebody’s things.
         Knock before you enter.
         Be friendly with your neighbours.
         Treat old people with care.
         Give respect to your elders.

         Eighth: click here to find an activity to be used. Ask the children to colour the centre of the pictures located in this activity. The Spiritist volunteer could also distribute stickers for the children to use here. The idea is that the pictures, as well as the stickers, represent them.

         Closing prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: 1st cycle (7 to 8 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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