The Magic Words

         Elisa wanted her holidays to come as soon as possible, since she wanted to visit her cousin Antonia at the farm. When this day finally arrived, her auntie came to pick her up. She was so excited to go to the farm she even forgot to say good-bye to her parents.

          When they arrived at the farm, Antonia realised Elisa didn’t say “good afternoon” to her uncle Eugene or even to the people who worked on the place. The days passed by… The girls played, went out on horse rides and swam in the lake.

          There was something that was making Antonia feel quite curious about: Elisa never said the magic words “please” when she asked for something and “thank you” when she got something as a favour.

          Besides, when Elisa did something wrong, she never said “I am sorry”. Antonia never heard Elisa say “excuse me” when she entered her room or interrupted the adults when they were talking.

          She realised Elisa didn’t know the magic words, which are signs of good education. Auntie Augusta and Cousin Antonia came up with a plan: they distributed colourful notes around the house with situations where the magic words could be used.

          There were notes in the kitchen saying:

          "Good morning!"
          "Can you please pass me the sugar?"
          "I am sorry I am late for lunch."
          "Thank you for making my favourite desert."

          There were notes in the living room saying:

          "Good afternoon!"
          "Can you please reach me the cushion?"
          "Thank you for telling me a story."
          "I am sorry I stepped on your foot."

          There were notes in Antonia’s room saying:

          "Good evening!"
          "Thank you for lending me your book."
          "I am sorry I hurt you."
          "Can you please pass me that toy?"

         When Elisa saw all those notes spread around the house, she found them quite funny. Her cousin then explained this was a new way for everyone at home to learn how to use the magic words.

          - Magic words? What are these? I have no idea what these words mean – Elisa said.

          - Please, thank you, excuse me, sorry are the magic words – her cousin said. The notes were everywhere so we can learn to use these words all the time with everyone.

          This is how Elisa learned the magic words: with notes from different sizes and colours.

          Elise arrived back home and decided to teach her mom and her little brothers to use the magic words she learned at the house of her Auntie Augusta and Cousin Antonia. Elisa noticed that as each day was passing her house became more cheerful; everyone was helping more, until it seemed that something "magic" had happened.

Claudia Schmidt