Initial lecture - 3rd Cycle

         Opening Prayer

         First: Please make sure you welcome the children back to class. Please tell then it is a pleasure to have them here, since this is an important time for all of us and we will learn many nice things together. The teacher can complement them for choosing to be here on their first day; rather than being in a shopping centre, party or even being at home doing nothing, watching a movie or playing video-game. This shows that they are interested to learn Jesus’ teachings. If one of the children says their parents or other relatives obliged them to come to spiritist education class, please argue this was definitely the best option. They might not realize it now, but this was the best option for them. Please mention the parents who want them to come to class are parents who love them very much and work the best for them. Their parents want them to be happy and to make good decisions in life.

         Second: It’s time for the Spiritist Teachers to introduce themselves. Please talk to them a bit about you, how long you have been teaching at the centre; why you decided to become a Spiritist Teacher; how to do prepare the weekly classes… Please don’t take too long introducing yourself. It is important to show that they can trust you because you know what you are talking about. The Spiritist Teacher can encourage the students to make you questions or to talk about themselves too.

         Third: please work with the group dynamics "From chaos to order". Following that, please explain that the classes at the spiritist centre have rules as everywhere else. These rules are: timing of the classes (starting and finishing times), respect to all our colleagues, the spiritist teachers and other people and to look after the belongings from the spiritist centre.

         Please remember that these rules contribute for everything to run smoothly; the best way possible. This enables us to have a harmonious environment where everyone respects each other and everyone makes the best out of the classes at the spiritist centre.

         * The spiritist teacher could also highlight to the children other situation in life where organization is crucial.

Group Dynamics: From chaos to order

         This group dynamics has the purpose of making the children understand the need of organization for us to make the best out the activities. This is also a good time to establish some rules of conduct and organization inside the classroom.

         Please ask all the children to sing a song to the colleague sitting next to them out loud, at the same time. This will enable chaos and noise. Once they stop, please ask one of the students to sing her/his song to the entire classroom. The children will realize chaos is unpleasant and that order is necessary and has its purpose.

         Fourth: please encourage the children to organize the rules required for the good performance of the classes during the year. Please split the children into groups and mention they need to make notes of the rules they believe are important for the spiritist education classes. Please let them know they have ten minutes to do this task. After this time, please ask the group to share their notes and make a big colourful panel with the rules that were chose by the class. The spiritist teacher should include any he/she believes it’s necessary.

         Fifth: please highlight the importance for them to come to the spiritist education classes by asking the following questions:

         * What do we learn at the spiritist education classes?

         * What is the importance of these teachings for our life? These teachings are important so we can become better human beings; working on our inner reform. This also enables us to put Jesus’ teachings into practice since we are young.

         * Why is it important to study the Spiritist Doctrine since our childhood? Because in our childhood it’s easier for us to learn and correct what is wrong in our attitudes. We can give the example of the tree trunk that is still quite small, but will get bigger as time goes by. It’s easier to correct it now than later.

         * What disadvantage we get if we miss out the spiritist education classes? We only have one weekly class. If we miss it, we will love precious teachings that we might need them one day. We miss the sequence of the gospel teachings, which might make it more difficult for us to understand the next weekly topics discussed in class. If we miss out, we could also miss the help from the spiritual benefactors that are located at the spiritist centre, who are always willing to help us; the precious time we have of teachings are the centre as well, which enable us to improve and progress spiritually.

         * Please ask the children to mention something they learned at the spiritist education classes that they are putting into practice at home, at school or at anywhere else.

         * What are the benefits we get from taking part at the spiritist education classes? We learn that, when we put into practice Jesus’ teachings, we become more enlightened beings. We get closer to Jesus and our protector spirit; we become good friends with them.

         * Who else do we get closer to, when we become better beings through the practice of Jesus’ teachings which we learn at the spiritist education classes? We also get closer to God - please mention the distance between us and God is connected to our imperfections. If we work on getting rid of our inner imperfections, we will get closer to God.

         Sixth: please give a small questionnaire to each child; for them to answer it individually.

         Click here to find a suggested questionnaire.

         Obs.: We also suggest to use the group dynamics called "Personality Crowns" (you can find it under the link ACTIVITIES - Initial Class).

         Seventh: please encourage a group dialog for the children to get to know each other and have a positive understanding amongst themselves. Depending on some of the answers given, the teacher might need to have a private dialog with a specific child individually, if this child presents conflicts within the group.

         Eighth: please give the attendance record and the children’s registration file for the parents to fulfill. Please also distribute a note the each parent, which will give orientations and elucidations regarding the Spiritist Education for Chidren and Youth Department.

         Please note at Initial lecture II, there is a suggested note which could be adapted accordingly.

         Closing Prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: 2nd (9 to 10 years old) and 3rd Cycle (11 to 12 years old).

         Class suggest by the spiritist teacher Sandra Ramos Medeiros, from the centre Centro Espírita Fé, Amor e Caridade - Campo Grande/MS - Brazil.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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