Dear Parents or Guardians,

         Welcome to the Youth Spiritist Education Department at the Spiritist Centre XYZ. We are delighted to have your child studying with us. We are going to have a busy but wonderful year of learning and fun.

         It is important that you encourage your son to be part of the school, for a better learning. Please make sure you come with your son if possible and help him with the tasks, ask what he/she has learned in class, etc. This way the lessons learned will be reinforced and his attendance to the weekly classes will be valued.

         Please make sure your child always bring a pencil and a notebook for the spiritist educational classes. Please note it is important to pay close attention to the timing of the classes. The lesson will start at ............. (please fill this in with the details).

         Your child is now taking part of the 2nd Cycle group, which is for children between 9 and 10 years of age. The spiritist teachers responsible for this cycle are:


         We look forward to working with you and your child. We believe that if we are a team, together with the Spiritual Benefactors, we will have a blessed year.

         Warm Regards,

         Teachers XYZ

         Spiritist Centre XYZ

“Education, rightly understood, is the key of moral progress” Allan Kardec