Initial lecture - Kindergarten

         Opening Prayer

         First: Please make sure you welcome the children back to class. Please tell then it is a pleasure to have them here, since this is an important time for all of us and we will learn many nice things together.

         Second: It’s time for the Spiritist Teachers to introduce themselves. Please place a colourful poster at the board, which will represent the classroom. As each teacher gets introduced, please place a doll at it for each respective person. Each character will then represent each individual part of the class. We prepared a beautiful and colourful poster, which was then placed at the front door of the room. It now represents the Kindergarten class.

         Click here to see our poster.

         Please find here the way some spiritist teachers could introduce themselves:

         Mara: : Hi, Welcome to Sunday School. I am Teacher Mara. I come to the study group at the spiritist centre on Wednesday evenings. I am here to learn with you about the Spiritist Doctrine, Jesus and His teachings. I have two sons; Augusto and Adele. They have been coming to spiritist education since they were quite young.

         Amália: Hi, children. I am Teacher Amália. I love children; I have a lot of love and kindness to offer you. I want to transmit all the good things Jesus taught us so you can continue to be good, kind and loving children. I have three sons: Bruno, Mariana and Octavo. They are now grown up. Bruno and Mariana are studying in a different city and Octavo studies at school X.

         Carina: Hi, I am Teacher Carina, Louise’s mom; your classmate. I enjoy listening to music, reading stories and poetry. I will help you this year to get to know Jesus’ teachings.

         Third: It’s time for the children to introduce themselves. Please ask their names, what they like; trying to get to know each child. After each child introduces him/herself, please write the name of each one in one of the paper dolls and place it at the board.

         Fourth: please talk to the children about the meaning of spiritist education. Please make sure you explain beautiful stories will be told to them. They will learn about Jesus, His teachings and the Spiritist Doctrine. Please mention they will work with colouring, drawings, pictures, modelling clay and other nice things. The classes will be full of joy and love, with the help of Jesus and our Guardian Angels.

         Fifth - activity: paint a picture of a boy or a girl which was previously drawn at the paper. It will mean each one of them. Please make them aware that their presence at the centre is highly important.

         Sixth: please distribute a note the parents, which will give orientations and elucidations regarding Youth Spiritist Education at the spiritist centre. Please note at Initial lecture II, there is a suggested note which could be adapted accordingly.

         Seventh: please distribute to each child a small “treat” as a welcome message to the spiritist message. Please find here a suggestion which could be attached to a caramel.

         Click here to find a suggestion.

         Closing Prayer

         Spiritist Teachers: Amália, Carina and Mara.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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