Love to the Truth III

         Opening prayer

         Firsto:use puppets or small dolls/toys to tell the story of The sweet figs.

         Second: review it with the children’s participation.

          Can the act of lying cause any harm? Yes; you can cause harm to yourself and to others, even unintentionally.

          What happens to the person who lies? This person won’t have any friends; others will no longer trust that person and when speaking the truth other people won’t believe him/her.

          What shall we do when someone tells us a gossip? Silence and not pass this information forward; keep it to yourself.

          When we don’t know what happened with something or someone, shall we simply imagine what happened and comment it with others? No; we should not make any comments/judgements of situations that can bring harm to an individual.

          We should always say the truth. Please cite examples: if you inadvertently lost an object such as a CD or a toy, do not put the blame on your brother (or others). Always tell the truth, in order not to harm others or yourself. The ones who tell lies end up not being trusted by the people at school, at work, at the Spiritist centre, by his/her own family, etc.

          Jesus taught us to say the truth. By being honest we will be putting into practice one of the greatest teachings of Jesus and demonstrating the immense love we have for Him. Who says the truth is doing good, love and charity towards himself and towards his neighbour.

         Third: read the text of the activity with the children, reinforcing the theme of the lesson and paint the character in the story.

         Click here to get to know the activity.

         Fourth: take a jar of sweet figs and share with all children. The Spiritist teacher may take another fruit of his/her preference (orange, peach, or any other from your area) and adjust the story. It would be ideal if the children eat the same fruit that Julius ate; the boy from the story told at the beginning.

         Closing prayer

         Spiritist teachers: Larissa and Lúbia.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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