The sweet figs

         Julius was a very smart boy. He was ten years old and was the eldest son of Noreen, who had two more children.

         The boy always helped her mother and took care of his siblings while she worked as a maid in the home of a family. Julius also did the shopping for the house.

         One day Noreen called her son and said:

         - Julius, I would like you to take this pot of sweet figs I cooked especially for Aunt Mariette over to her. It’s her birthday today and I can’t go there due to work commitments.

         - That’s fine mom; the boy said.

         The mother recommended:

         - Tread it carefully and give a hug to Auntie Mariette from me.

         The boy, who was accustomed to long walks, left his home whistling peacefully.

         He walked for quite a while and decided to sit under a tree to rest a bit. It was at this point that he felt the pleasant smell of sweet figs, and thought to himself:

         What if I tried one fig?

         He then ate a fig. It was so yummy! ... He ate another, and another, and ... closed slight pot and thought, "I should not have done that!”

         He re-started walking toward Auntie Mariette’s house. He found another shade and stopped to rest. Again the smell of sweet figs... He couldn’t resist. He opened the pot again and ate... He ate all the figs. There was only the fig syrup left inside the jar.

         He felt very embarrassed by what he did… He carried on walking to Auntie Mariette’s home. Once he arrived, he greeted his Aunt for her birthday and gave her the jar, which was now containing only the sweet syrup from the figs he ate.

         He returned home worried about what he had done. Upon arriving, his mother asked about his aunt and whether she enjoyed the present. He replied that she liked the gift.

         Julius’ mom, noting he was behaving quite differently, asked him:

         - What happened? Are you okay?

         - Nothing, mom. I'm just feeling pain on my stomach! ... Julius replied.

         Julius remembered his aunt and the pot of figs at times in the days that followed. He also remembered the huge tummy ache he had for having eaten all those figs at once.

         On the following week, on a Sunday afternoon, Auntie Mariette came to visit the family. She said to her sister:

         - The fig syrup you sent me was delicious.

         - The fig syrup...? But… What about the figs? Were they not good? Noreen asked. Julius, at this time, ...

Note: at this point the Spiritist teacher will conclude the story with the children by asking what they think Julio did or should have done. Lead them to conclude that telling the truth is a smart attitude and always the best option.