Allan Kardec II

         We suggest you start this lesson with a breathing, concentration and relaxation exercise. Please find resources for this at the following lesson Prece IV, 2nd part of this lesson.

         Objective of this exercise: lower anxiety levels and work on concentration, providing a relaxation of all tensions which will result in internal and external balance. This will also help the children become fully aware for a better absorption of the teachings.

         Lesson Objectives: bring to the attention of the children the relevance of Allan Kardec’s mission, which was to codify Spiritism. Please stress his effort and dedication to relive the Gospel of Jesus, leaving a huge learning baggage for all mankind.

         Opening prayer

         First: tell the children today we will talk over a person who has already disincarnated, but who was of great importance for us to get know very clearly all the teachings of our Master Jesus. Then please give the children a puzzle portrait of Allan Kardec. Ask them to assemble and to find out who that person was.

         Obs.: please cut the image into a few pieces to facilitate the assembly, taking into account the ability of each child.

         Click here to find suggested images of Allan Kardec.

         Second: please tell them the story of Allan Kardec, with the help of TV made from a cardboard box.

         Click here to find the drawings for this story.

         Click here to find the drawings for this story in pps. These can be found on the site, amongst with others, on the following link ACTIVITIES, ALLAN KARDEC, nbr. 07.

         Third: the Spiritist teacher should bring copies of the 6 basic books of the Spiritist teachings (The Spirits' Book, The Mediums' Book, The Gospel According to Spiritism, Heaven and Hell, The Genesis According to Spiritism and Posthumous Works). Please cut each copy into 4 parts so that the children assemble them back together.

         Explain to the children, through the assembly of the puzzles, that they will get to know the books elaborated by Kardec called Spiritist Codification (or The Spiritist Pentateuch). Then the Spiritist teacher should read the name of each of the books in the sequence order they were written. For a more advanced class, the Spiritist teacher could give a brief summary of its contents.

         Click here to find suggestions.

         Fourth: painting activity; ask each child to explain what the figure they are painting represents.

         Click here to find suggested drawings.

         Click here to see suggested activities from other cycles, received from the Spiritist teacher Sandra Ramos Medeiros, taken from the internet.

         Click in MOMENT OF THE SPIRITIST TEACHER – SHARING EXPERIENCE, to find tips about this lesson.

         Final Prayer

         Class suggested being suitable fo: Kindergarten (5 and 6 years old) and 1st cycle (7 to 8 years old).

         Suggestion received from the Spiritist teacher Sandra Ramos Medeiros, Campo Grande/MS.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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