Virtues II

         Opening Prayer:

         First: please question the children what they know about virtues. What is opposite to a virtue? Personal virtues are characteristics valued as promoting individual and collective well being. The opposite of virtue is vice. These are good things our spirit has already acquired through the good work and positive thinking. The spiritist teacher can explain to the children that a virtue is something we definetely have acquired; as we are eternal spirits who are constantly progressing. It is something that will always be with us. The teacher can give, as an example, the following statement: we never loose patience, fraternity, love, kindness, tolerance, idealism, determination, courage and many other noble and sublime virtues if we really retain them, within ourselves.

         Second: Activity called Treasure Hunting. The spiritist teacher needs to place the posters with the virtues on the walls before the class begins.

         Click here to find a list of virtues suggested for this activity.

         Obs.: the spiritist teacher needs to explain the treasure hunting activity. He/she will tell the children only the first clue. This will enable them to find which is the correspondent virtue. We need to highlight to them the children are not competing against each other, but working as a team. This will enable them to work the concepts of cooperation and team effort.

         As soon as the children find out which is the first virtue, they will need to remove the virtue from the wall. Behind each virtue it will be written the glue for the next virtue to be found. During this activity, it is important for the spiritist teacher to highlight thatthe children are not competing against each other. The child who gets the first virtue should let another children get the next one to enable all of them to interact within this activity. This will give the opportunity for all of them to participate on the game.

         Click here to find all the clues which refer to each virtue.

         This game will be successful if everyone participates on the game.

         Third: Please talk to the children about the dynamic. The teacher can say to everyone life in Earth is a valuable learning opportunity: the spirit returns to the physical body, bringing his new goals of inner growth within him/her. Depending on the class’ maturity, the teacher can explain the concept of evolution; please don’t forget to comment on the need we all have to make efforts for our inner development.

         It’s important to say we should all pay attention to ourselves and recognise improvement opportunities on our daily lives. This will enable us to make the most of our incarnation and develop our virtues.

         "All virtues are meritorious, for all of them are signs of progress on the upward road. There is virtue in every act of voluntary resistance to the seductive influence of evil tendencies; but the sublimity of virtue consists in the sacrifice of self-interest to the good of others. The highest of all virtues is that which takes the form of the widest and most disinterested kindness."

         Fourth: Please ask the children what kind of thoughts, attitudes and feelings we should maintain in our hearts. Please place all virtues on the floor so the children can visualize the words. You can mention to them the truly virtuous man is he who practises the law of justice, love, and charity, in its greatest purity.

         Fifth: please ask each child to get one of the words and colour it as they wish. You can then ask each child to explain the meaning of the virtue they have chosen with their own words. They could also cut it out, glue it in a bigger paper and make a poster out of it. If some children are not able to read and write, the spiritist teacher should help the child so they can take part equally in this activity.

         Closing Prayer

         Class being suitable for: Kindergarten, 1st cycle (7 to 8 years old) and 2nd cycle (9 to 10 years old), depending on the classes’ maturity and/or conditions.

         Resources for the Spiritist Teacher: The Spirits' Book, CHAPTER XII - MORAL PERFECTlON - MORAL PERFECTlON.

         Spiritist Teacher: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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