Jesus’ life

         Opening Prayer

         First: please tell the children the story of Jesus’ life up to the age of 12. Please tell the following topics below. The words in bolt relate to the questions we asked them; to find out if they knew what these words meant.


         1 - Mary and Joseph lived in Nazareth.

         2 - When Mary was pregnant, she was visited by an (angel); a spiritual being, a superior spirit who told her she would become a mother soon. This spiritual being said she would give birth to a baby boy. She would have to call him Jesus; He would have a very important mission in the world.

         Obs.: Joseph had a dream with an angel who visited him to say that his child would be called Jesus.
         Jesus = Salvation - denominated His mission.
         Christ = anointed person (in Greek); same as Messiah (in Hebrew).

         3 - Before the birth of Jesus, his parents went to Belem. There was a census going on; determined by Cesar Augusto, Emperor of Rome. Joseph’s family, who were descendents from David, was from Belem.

         4 - Jesus was born in a very simple place; in a horse stable. He gave us a lesson of meekness through the way and place he was born.

         5 - The news spread that the Saviour was now born. The little boy was visited by shepherds and magus (there were very well respected clergymen; they would work with medicine, astrology and other spiritual things).

         6 - Jesus grew up in Nazareth and learned to be a carpenter just like his dad. He was a well educated boy who helped his mom with their house duties. Jesus learned to read and write; he also studied the scriptures at the Nazareth’s Synagogue.

         7 - When Jesus was 12, he went to Jerusalem with his parents. There was a Hebrew religious party going to happen there. Mary and Joseph, out of a sudden, could not find Jesus. They searched around and found him talking to the doctors of the law. They were listening to Jesus and questioning the boy. Everyone who listened to him would feel quite surprise by his intelligence and the answers he would give to their questions.

         8 - Please ask the children how they think Jesus’ conception and birth happened. Please listen to their answers carefully, but highlight afterwards that Jesus was conceived just like them; Mary and Joseph had sexual intercourse. Mary gave natural birth to Jesus; it is possible that Joseph helped her through the process.

         Resources for the Spiritist Teacher:

         Conclusion: “...from the moment of conception until birth, all things occur, with respect to his mother, as in ordinary conditions of life”. “Jesus had, like everybody else, a carnal and a spiritual body, which the material and physic phenomena of his life attest”. (The Genesis According to Spiritism. Chapter XV, items 65/66).
         * Spiritist Studies of the Gospel (Terezinha Oliveira, Collection: Estudos e Cursos, cap. 8 e 9, editora Allan Kardec – CEAK);
         * Book Paz na Terra (Richard Simonetti - Editora CEAC), cap. A virgindade de Maria.

         Second: Please tell them about Jesus when he was incarnate here in Earth; please also mention his relationship with children. In order to approach this subject, please find some points to which can facilitate this process:

         1 - Jesus was and still is someone very special to all of us. We can affirm He is our older brother; a more evolved spiritual being.

         2 - Jesus is all kindness; He doesn’t feel hurt, He doesn’t feel stressed; He is above evil.

         3 - Jesus is called a Master because he used to teach every one; He was really wise and put his teachings into practice. He taught about love, forgiveness, charity, meekness, honesty and helping one another.

         4 - Jesus was really good friends with the children and young people; children really enjoyed his company. He loved telling them stories; He was the greatest story teller that ever existed in Earth.

         5 – We can always count on Jesus; who has Jesus in your heart never feels lonely. We connect to Him through prayers.

         6 – Jesus knows everything we do. When we hurt someone, mistreat animals, lie, do anything bad, He can see it. Even if we hide it from our parents, friends and relatives, Jesus will always be aware of it. Jesus wants us to practice goodness; He knows every negative action will come back to us and make us suffer. When we practice goodness, on the other hand, He cheers and comes closer to us. Every good action will always benefit us.

         7 - Jesus likes and protects animals, since He knows they were created by God; they are our brothers in evolution who are progressing just like us and deserve our love and respect.

         Obs.: for the 1st and 2nd moment we used a PowerPoint presentation with images we found on the internet. You could also use pictures of Jesus’ birth; plus pictures of Jesus with children, youth and animals.

         Third: please distribute colourful paper and envelopes so the children can write a letter to Jesus.

         Closing Prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: 2nd cycle (9 to 10 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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