Opening Prayer
First: please tell the children the story “General Strike”.
Obs.: the story should be told with the interference from the children in a fun and joyful way; this activity should involve every child. It is suggested that the spiritist teacher takes an alarm clock to class and let it go off at this time at the end of the story: He suddenly heard the following noise: TRRRRRIIIIMMMM!! This had a very positive impact with the children; they really enjoyed it. Even if one child realizes the character was dreaming, the spiritist teacher should not reveal this information; it could be used at the end of the story.
Second: please start a dialog with the children.
Every profession is important and useful; needed.
The professions are interconnected; depending on one another (what if the doctors needed to make bread to eat, shoes to use or furniture? He wouldn’t have time to study or see his/her patients).
No one lives alone; people need one another we are living in a society.
Third: the spiritist teacher should take a few copies of The Spirits' Book and ask the children to find in pairs the question 675. Once they find it, they should copy it into their notebooks. If required, the spiritist teacher can help them in this task.
675. Ought we to understand by “labour” only occupations of a material nature? "No; the spirit labours like the body. Every sort of useful occupation is a labour."
Please question the children:
What is occupation? It is an activity; a task executed.
What is a useful occupation? It is an activity that brings benefits to someone or that has a beneficial purpose; a good purpose.
Please ask the children to give examples of useful occupations: ready a good book, help someone, study, to do the Gospel at Home, to play, to watch a good movie.
Does God want us to work? Yes, he does because work is not a punishment. It is an opportunity to progress; to evolve and, as a consequence, to reach happiness. It is through work that the human progress happens, since work aims to conserve the body and develop the thoughts. It is also through developing healthy relationships with other people there is a collective and personal growth, since we learn a lot from one another.
Fourth: please ask each child to write a ‘letter’ imagining how their professional life will be like when they are 30 years old. Here are some suggested items which could help them write the ‘letter’.
Closing Prayer
Class suggested being suitable for: 2nd cycle (9 to 10 years old) and 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old).
Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.