Have a guest at your classroom

         It could be quite successful to bring someone who is not a spiritist teacher, but is engaged in the spiritist movement to the spiritist education classes. This person could be one of the children’s parents or a spiritist worker from the centre. This person would be seen as someone different from the spiritist teachers which could increase the children’s curiosity, engagement and willingness to do something different in class. This could also be seen by the children as motivational since they are being valued by a ‘guest’ who is coming to see them.
         This person could, as an example:
         * wear a Moses’ outfit and tell the children a story: where he was born, where he grew up, how he received The Ten Commandments, what was his mission… It would be good if the person wore the entire outfit: clothes, crooked stick, beard, white hair, walk with difficulty, look elderly…
         * tell the children the story of Spiritism. He/she could talk about Allan Kardec and the turning tables; he could use illustrations, a world map where he could show France and the basic books codified by Allan Kardec.
         * tell the children the story of Jesus; even if the story will be later on used by the spiritist teacher to develop the lessons within this class, it might be more fun for the children to hear it from someone who is not the spiritist teacher.
         There are several audiovisual resources available, which could be used by your guest: retro projector, sound stereo (parts of the story or phrases could be recorded and played in class to make it more interactive), clay or wax preliminary models, puppets or even characters made out of sticks could be successful if used with dedication, creativity and love.
         Please give the opportunity to someone take part at the spiritist education classes. Everyone will enjoy and gain from it: the guest will have a new experience; the children will see something new, which will get their attention; and the spiritist teacher will have a very creative and different lesson. But don’t forget to supply your guest with all the necessary information and material to be used by him. After all, if everyone does their best, the class will be a success!

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.

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