Taste and Smell

         First: Opening prayer; get the children to repeat after the Spiritist volunteer. As weeks go by the Spiritist volunteers should encourage the children to volunteer for this task. If they don’t want to collaborate we could say we will follow the letters of the alphabet. The child’s name that starts with the letter A will do the opening prayer this time. Everybody will have the chance to collaborate as the weeks unfold. The child’s name that starts with the letter B will do the closing prayer at the end of the session.

         Second: Welcome the children into the session. Say how happy we are to see them there and how important they are for the class. Sing songs together; get the children to remain standing but in a circle.

         Hello my friend,
         Let’s learn and play,
         We will learn about Jesus all night long!

         Good morning
         Good morning, good morning, good morning (say the name of one of the children)
         I am so happy today. Hooray!
         Good morning, good morning, good morning (say the name of one of the children)
         My heart wants to say
         Good morning, good morning, good morning (say the name of one of the children)

         Let's all sing and play
         For Nature is so beautiful and wise
         Teaches us to love every day

         +++ repeat this song if necessary, as every child should hear their name being sang; this will help the children to feel integrated into the group).

         +++ sing other songs from the songs’ list as per attached here.

         +++ please find an additional list of songs attached here.

         Third: Get the children to sit down into a circle. Get them to close their eyes and nose. Please sprinkle perfume nearby; ask them to open their eyes and smell the air. Ask them to open their eyes and tell you what they smell. Talk about how our noses help us smell things and introduce one canister. While each child smells the scent, talk about what it smells like. Encourage the use of descriptive words. Next, introduce the other film canisters, making sure each child has one. Allow time for children to talk about the smells and encourage the older children to exchange canisters.

         The Spiritist volunteer should ask them: "Can you guess what it is, by the way it smells?" After children have opportunities to guess, open each canister. Ask them which smells they like or didn’t like. Show them how you poured the liquid onto cotton balls to create the smell. Finally, place the closed canisters in a place out of their reach.

         Note: The Spiritist volunteer will need one 35mm film canister with pinholes in the top for each of the scented items below (use cotton balls for the liquid scents). Put pinholes in the top of each film canister in advance. Then put a scented item or scented cotton ball in each canister.

         * onions

         * vanilla extract

         * vinegar

         * cinnamon

         * rubbing alcohol

         * coffee grounds

         * perfume

         * peanut butter

         * banana chunk

         * lemon oil

         * peppermint extract

         * flowers

         Talk about how our noses help us smell things and introduce one canister. While each child smells the scent, talk about what it smells like. Encourage the use of descriptive words. Next, introduce the other film canisters, making sure each child has one. Allow time for children to talk about the smells and encourage the older children to exchange canisters.

         The Spiritist volunteer should ask them: "Can you guess what it is, by the way it smells?" After children have opportunities to guess, open each canister. Ask them which smells they like or didn’t like. Show them how you poured the liquid onto cotton balls to create the smell. Finally, place the closed canisters in a place out of their reach.

         Fourth: Hang a large piece of poster board divided into three columns labelled "Taste," "Touch" and "Smell." Add a picture of a mouth, hand and nose to the column headings. Cut out small pictures of a range of things we can detect using our senses, such as rain, cookies or flowers. Cut out three copies of each picture. One at a time, hold up each picture and ask students which column is falls under, then tape it into the correct column. If something belongs to more than one category, tape one copy of the picture to each column.

         Fifth: Watch the video called Five 5 Senses Human Body - Sensory Organs Kids - Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qh5XsItAhuA.

         Sixth: Ask the children questions about the video. Get the children to point to the parts of the body and mimic things they can do with each of their senses. Make sure each child comes up to something.

         * Which part of our body do we use to taste? What are the things you can do when you use your taste sense?

         * Which part of our body do we use to smell? What are the things you can do when you use your smell sense?

         * Which part of our body do we use to touch? What are the things you can do when you use your touch sense?

         * Which part of our body do we use to hear? What are the things you can do when you use your hearing sense?

         * Which part of our body do we use to see? What are the things you can do when you use your seeing sense?

         Seventh: Sing a song with the children related to the 5 senses. Get them to touch their eyes, ears, skin, tongue and nose when mentioned on the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvBXWMvOGOk.

         I have 5 senses,
         I count those,
         I use eyes, ears, skin, tongue and nose....
         I have 5 senses,
         I count those,
         I use eyes, ears, skin, tongue and nose....
         My eyes can see,
         My ears can hear,
         My skin can touch...
         So, so much,
         My tongue can taste,
         My nose can smell,
         My 5 senses work really well!

         So-so much!
         My 5 senses work really well!

         I have 5 senses,
         I count those,
         I use eyes, ears, skin, tongue and nose....
         I have 5 senses,
         I count those,
         I use eyes, ears, skin, tongue and nose....
         My eyes can see,
         My ears can hear,
         My skin can touch...
         So, so much,
         My tongue can taste,
         My nose can smell
         My 5 senses work really well!

         So, so much!
         My 5 senses work really well!

         I have 2 ears,
         I have 1 nose,
         I have 2 eyes,
         I open and close...
         I have one tongue,
         For tasting tastes,
         And my skin's covering, almost everyplace!

         I have 5 senses,
         I count those,
         I use eyes, ears, skin, tongue and nose...
         My eyes can see,
         My ears can hear,
         My skin can touch...
         So, so much,
         My tongue can taste,
         My nose can smell,
         My 5 senses work really well!
         I have 5 senses,
         I count those,
         I use eyes, ears, skin, tongue and nose....
         I have 5 senses,
         I count those...

         Let’s celebrate the hand and the nose that God gave to us!

         The Spiritist Worker will bring a latex free vinyl gloves and a paper fake nose for the kids to paint and decorate.

         Story about the importance of our senses http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Rf0f2-6c4I

         Talk with the children about the history.
         What did Don prepare for Edward?
         How did the bird (Cath Gelly) help Don?
         How did Edward find his present?
         How great is our smell sense!

         Let’s try our senses if they are so far so good as Don’s one.

         The Spiritist worker will bring a big box with many objects inside. The kids will have their eyes blindfolded and
         They would choose one object from the box
         Using the sense of touch and smell he/she would have to guess what it is.
         Each child would have your own turn.
         The Spiritist worker can repeat as many times as the kids want.

         Leave from trees
         Foam paper
         We can also use the canister as well.
         Ask examples of good things we can use our nose and hand for?
         How do we use our smell and touch day by day?

         Eighth: Soap bubbles activity - Get the children to get in contact with the soap bubbles. Ask them: Can you see the bubbles? Can you also feel the bubbles? Can you hold them? Can you smell them? Please a relaxing song to get the children to enjoy this part of the class.

         Ninth: Get the children to help cleaning the room; one of the children will do a closing prayer; encourage the children to volunteer for this task. If they don’t want to collaborate we could say we will follow the letters of the alphabet. The child’s name that starts with the letter A will do the opening prayer this time. Everybody will have the chance to collaborate.

         Note: Please find an activity which can be used during this class or given to the children as homework here.

         Closing prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: Nursery (3 to 4 years old) and Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old).

         Spiritist volunteer: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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