Content Review III

         This dynamic was sent to us by the spiritist teacher Adriana Timón from União Espírita de Peruíbe – Peruíbe/SP.

         Opening Prayer

         Game of the Questions

         For this activity, the spiritist teacher will need to mark the floor with spaces for the each child to stand up on. This can be done using chalk. You will also need to mark spaces in front of this mark on the floor so the children can advance towards these spaces as the game progresses. In order to begin with the game, the spiritist teacher will need to ask them to stand up at one marked brick on the floor each.

         Before the game starts, please explain there are more marked bricks on the floor in front of him/her so he/she can advance as they answer the questions correctly. The spiritist teacher won’t show the questions that will be asked to the children to anyone. In order to facilitate this activity, please choose one child who will now begin the game. You now can ask him/her the first question; or raffle one question from a bag, for example. If the child answers it correctly, he can advance one space.

         If he/she doesn’t know the answer, he/she can ask the spiritist teacher for help by questioning how many letters the answer has. The child can also ask another colleague to help. Please note you could ask the child’s colleague to answer the question through mimics, instead of telling the child who was asked the question on the first place, the answer. For example, if the question is: Who do the spirits manifest through? Mediums. The child will need to mimic the answer; perhaps by placing his hand at his front head as Chico Xavier used to do; pretending to be writing. The answer could also be drawn on the board.

         The objective of the game is to encourage the children to answer the questions asked by the spiritist teacher and advance one space at their turn. We need to highlight to them they are not competing against each other, but working as a team. This will enable them to work the concepts of cooperation and team effort. There are no winners or losers; everyone moves forward. As soon as the first child moves one space, it is time to ask the next child to him, who is standing at his/her side, the next question or raffle a question from the bag. Each child should have the opportunity to advance at least two spaces or more. Please make sure you have enough questions ready for this activity.

         For the older children, the spiritist teacher could split them into groups. Perhaps you could raffle or pick and choose the participants who will be working together on the same team. You could also choose some children to be part of the ‘support group’, which will be responsible for helping the other groups when they struggle to get the answers right, for example. These positions could also be raffled amongst the group.

         The main objective of this activity is for all children to advance; helping on another to progress within the dynamic. It leads us to conclude we all need one another to progress spiritually; by developing our virtues and learning. In the end the spiritist teacher could give a sweet/candy to each child.

         Click here to find suggested questions. The spiritist teacher could adapt or create questions in accordance with the content studied throughout the year.

         Final Prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: this dynamic could be used for all cycles; including Youth I.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies


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