Respect the Divine Creation II

         Opening prayer

          First: tell the story Save the Planet!

          Second: talk to the children.

          Who created the sun, rain, trees, plants, flowers, animals?

          Who created human beings?

          How should our attitudes be toward nature which was created by God?

          Why should we preserve our planet? It was created by God and serves as our home. When we take care of nature, we are also taking care of human beings and animals. By preserving and caring for the place we live in, we provide everyone with more health and well-being.

          Remember that to take care of nature is a way of thanking God for the world we live.

          What can every child do to make our planet a better place to live? We can recycle, water plants, care for animals, avoid wasting water and save energy. We must also take care of our attitudes and thoughts, so they are always in the direction of good and love.

          Third - activity: Distribute pieces of coloured cardboard and ask children to draw the place known as ‘the Planet’ of the story. The spiritist teacher can take coloured glue, glitter or other materials to make drawing fun. Drawings could be displayed on a clothesline in the room or used to form a panel, where all drawings are pasted. Statements could then be written mentioning the topic of the class.

         Closing prayer

         Suggested Class suitable for: Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old) and First cycle (7 to 8 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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