Respect for Animals (love to nature)

         Opening Prayer

         It is quite common for us to have pets at home such as cats, dogs, parrots, fish, etc. If we don’t have any pets, we definitely know someone who does. The spiritist teacher could bring drawings of his/her pets to class (in our class, one of the spiritist teacher took some drawing she made of her pets). You could also bring some pictures.


         First: each spiritist teacher will present, through pictures or drawings, their pets. The teacher should even introduce them to the disincarnate pets. Please say their names, habits, colour, likes and dislikes; please highlight the difference between animals from the same specie.

         Second: please talk to them about how to look after our pets and other animas:




          Do not kill or hurt them

          Respect to nature: (please examine this carefully in accordance with the children’s maturity and/or conditions) the animals were created by God, they are in a process of moral progression and need our help (there is in them a sort of intelligence, but the exercise of which is mainly concentrated on the means of satisfying their physical needs, and providing for their own preservation).

         Third: please ask each child to talk about their pets and how they look after them. If they don’t have pets, please ask them to talk about any animal they are familiar with.

         Fourth: please distribute cardboard to the children so that they can draw their favourite animal; they can use colourful pencils, modelling clay or pens.


         Closing Prayer

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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