Rules of conduct

         Opening Prayer

         First: please ask the children if they are aware of any rules reign within our society. Please make them aware of the traffic code of conduct and school behaviour policy, which are rules of conduct. You could also mention their own house rules which were set up by their parents (Treat one another as you'd like to be treated, or Use your manners, for example).

         Second: please question if the children are aware of the rules within the spiritist centre. Please ask what they believe they can and what they can’t do here (you can’t scream at a lecture, you can get books from the library by return it two weeks later, you can get up and leave during the lecture, you can’t destroy the furniture at the spiritist centre, you can receive healing...).

         Third: please split the children into three groups. Each group should write in a piece of paper three attitudes they can have at spiritist education classes and three conducts they should not do.

         Fourth: please compare what was written within the groups. Please ask the children if they all agree with the rules that were written down by the other groups. Please ask they explain the reason why they accept them or not.

         Fifth: please make a panel with the rules that were suggested by the children. This should be displayed in the classroom.

         Closing Prayer

         * The rules which were created, understood and accepted by the children are easily respected by the whole group. It is important to remind them that rules are necessary for the good use of the classes.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.

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