Spirit – existence and survival

         Initial Prayer

         First: please show the children a flat balloon or toy. Please ask them: how will it be possible to play with it? What does it need for us to play with it? We need to fill it up with air. Do we see the air that is on the balloon? Can we see air? What does our physical body need to be alive? It needs the spirit.

         Second: please explain to the children we are formed of a physical body and a spirit. Please ask them to grap each others arms and hands. We can feel and sense our physical body. Please ask them to grab the spirit of a colleague. Can we see our spirit? No, we can’t. Please explain there are many things that exist but we can’t see: bacteria, microorganisms, air, stars in the day light.

         Please invite the children to look outside the window and ask if they can see the stars or planets from our solar system. Just as we can’t see the air that is inside the balloon, we can’t see our spirit. It is the spirit that gives life to the physical body as it is eternal. When we die (disincarnate), our spirit is still alive. We take from this life our attitudes; we don’t take with us our material belongings (books, notepads, dolls, computers, TV, our house, etc).

         Third: please ask the children how we should look after our spirit; by having good behaviour/attitudes. Please ask them to give examples: be a good friend, do not lie, obey mom, dad and teachers, study, participate at spiritist education, do not fight, help with requested, help in class, pray, apologise, forgive, respect one another.

         Fourth - activity:

         Please write down four ways you can look after the Spirit:

         Text suggested.

         Final Prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: 1st cycle (7 to 8 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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