Proofs of God’s existence

          Opening Prayer


         a) Sugar water technique: please a transparent jar with sugar water (previously mixed) to class. Please give a bit of the water to each child and ask them to drink it.

          b) Balloon technique: please give each child one balloon. If you prefer, you could give just one balloon through a raffle between the children. You could also use transparent plastic bags for this technique to enable the children to visualise it. Please ask each child to fill the balloon or plastic bag with air.

          Please question them:

          What was the taste of the water? Is it coloured?
          What do you think we put inside the water?
          How do you know it is sugar? Can you see the sugar?
          What is inside the balloon?
          Does air have any specific color or form?
          Have you seen God? Does he exist?
          How can you feel God’s existence?

          Second: This is the time where the spiritist teacher can explain what happened. You felt the sugar water, but couldn’t see the sugar. You realized the balloon is full, but you can’t see the air that is inside it. This is the exact same way we relate to God. We can’t see Him, but we know He exists and is present in the Creation.

          Third: please read the text "Mother’s Response" to the children. You could then ask questions about it and explain the meaning of the words and expressions contained in the text such as: dawn, morning dew, calm sky, in the heart’s temple, etc…

Click here to find the text.

          Fourth: please ask each child to illustrate the part of the text they liked the most. Please exhibit the work into a panel, clothes-line or brown paper.

          Closing Prayer

          Spiritist Teachers: Angela and Carla.

          Class suggested being suitable for: 2nd cycle (9 to 10 years old).

          Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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