Proofs of God’s existence II

         Opening Prayer

         First: distribute the activity Who am I? the children; this can be done individually or in pairs.

         Second: ask the children to sit together in a big circle and check their answers.

         Answer Key:

         1 - RABBIT      2 - BIRD      3 - ELEPHANT      4 - SUN      5 - TREE      6 - MOON      7 - WATER

         8 - AIR      9 - TURTLE      10 - HUMAN BEING      11 - FISH      12 - GRASS      13 - BUTTERFLY      14 - FLOWER

         Third – ask them:

          Who created everything you just said? The animals, the water, the grass, the sun...

          Who created the human beings? Remind them our parents give us the characteristics of our physical body, but we were created by God. (He created the Spirit).

          Did God create every human being equal? In the beginning, God created all Spirits possessing an equal aptitude for good and for evil. This enabled us to learn and progress.

          What are the other things created by God? Other things created by God are the moon and the stars, for example.

          Who created the Spiritual World? God.

          What is contained in the Spiritual World? The World we will go to once we disincarnate will be in accordance with what we do and think once incarnate; it could be a beautiful or ugly one; sad or happy.

          What do you say when someone asks you if you believe in God?

          Why do you believe in God?

          Where is God when we see so much misery and war in the world? There are no injustices in the world. We have our free-will; Human Beings are given free-will to act, but we must answer for the consequences of our actions.

         Fourth – activity: ask the children to draw in pieces of paper things that were created by God. This will then be attached to a larger panel (cardboard or Bristol-board). Each child could write a phrase on top of their drawing saying: I believe in God because... God exists and loves me. God created the Universe. God created the Material World and the Spiritual World. God is our Father; he created the entire universe and loves us. Please encourage each child to write down a different phrase; it will create a beautiful panel.

         Closing Prayer

         Suggested Material suitable for: 1st cycle (7 to 8 years old) and 2nd cycle (9 to 10 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies..


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