Man’s Relationship with Nature
(Preservation of Nature and respect for God’s creation)

          Opening Prayer

First: please show them pictures and newspaper articles about deforestation, erosion, greenhouse effect, overflows and other factors that destroy the nature. Please establish a brief dialogue/talk about the questions below displayed:

What is the environment?

OWhat belongs to the environment?

What is the importance of the preservation of nature for man?

How can we preserve it?

Second: the children should come to the conclusion that preserving the nature is important for the maintenance of all living beings and to improve the life condition for mankind. It is necessary that we learn to live in harmony with the work created by God, using with wisdom the richness of Earth, water and air.

Third: distribute sheets with circles drawn in the middle. The aim of this exercise is to get the children to draw the beauties of our planet, as well as come up with a phrase that represents each drawing. This could be assembled into a mini book.


[Sheet 1]          [Sheet 2]          [Sheet 3]          [Sheet 4]          [Sheet 5]          [Sheet 6]

          Closing Prayer

     Collaboration: Angela

     Class suggested being suitable for: 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old)

     Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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