Prejudice, Say No!

         Greetings and Opening prayer

         First: tell the story called THE APPLES, from the book. Life taught us by Maria Ida Bachega Bolçone, Editor EME(see below).This story could be used as a theatre play, using puppets or dolls from different races (one white and one black), for example, as reported in the narration.It is also interesting to use two apples, one red and one green that will be cut in half by the Spiritist teacher during the narration.At the end of the story, please allow the children to compare the dolls, indicating that the difference between them is only the skin colour.


         Second: talk to the children about different types of prejudice:

         Race (we are all equal, nobody is better than none);

         Economic situation (valuing people, regardless of how many material resources they possess);

         Professional (all professions are important);

         Religion (respect the religion that each one chooses to follow);

         People with disabilities (physical and mental disabilities –these are brave spirits learning to love).

         Remind the children that we are all children of God and that He loves everyone equally. We should not judge people by their profession or their earthly possessions; we are all equal, we have an immortal spirit and we are evolving. Itis important that the have love in our hearts, respect people and practicing goodness. Explain as well that Spiritist Teachings elucidates why there are different religions in the world, economic differences, as well as why some people have physical or mental disabilities. Please always explain this in a simple way, according to their age groups. Ask at the end, to the children what it means to be a "good man" (The Gospel According to Spiritism, chap. 17).

         Third: distribute magazines for the children to cut out from these people of different races, professions, religions (a Bishop, a known Spiritist, for example), and rich, poor, disabled people. Distribute also previously drawn hearts, where each child can write his/her own name or the Spiritist teacher might do that before hand. The children can then take the heartsthat will be used to make the finish of the poster.

         Fourth: mounting a poster, pasting and gluing cut-outs of people around the hearts, to form the picture of a big heart. Write the phrase: GOD LOVES US ALL EQUALLY AND WISHES WE ARE ALSO GOOD MEN

         Clique para ver o resultado final.

         Fifth: Distribute a piece of apple for each child and do the closing prayer.

         Closing prayer

         Suggested text for the children to glue on the notebook:

We are all equal

         We are all evolving spirits. God loves all his children equally, regardless of what religion we choose, or if you are tall, short, fat, skinny, beautiful, ugly, black, white, rich, poor, physically or mentally disabled. We must say "NO TO PREJUDICE."



         Caroline was a black child. For several years she was my friend at school. She was a very intelligent and dedicated. The major problem she faced was being rejected by some colleagues.Caroline was almost never invited to participate in the games at school breaks; few children talked to her.
         One day, I saw Caroline weeping in a corridor of the school. I went to meet her. Between sobs, she told the reason for her sadness: she had heard bad comments that were related to her skin colour.
         Her suffering has touched me deeply.
         Upon arriving home, during lunch, I commented to my family what happened to Caroline and said I wanted to help her, but didn’t know how.
         Mom took two apples from the fruit bowl and drew our attention to the colours. She then with a knife cut these in half and asked:
         - How are looking like inside?
         – They look the same.We answered in chorus.
         - Well, she said, in nature there are substances called pigments that give colour to fruits, flowers and other plant parts.They also add colour pigments to animals and people.
         "The pigment that gives colour to our skin is called melanin. White people have less melanin whereas black people have more pigment.
         "Just as these two apples are the same inside, without having the same skin colour, you and Caroline are also identical. Your skin colour is the only difference; that is, the amount of melanin you have.
         "What's happening in your class is that children are expressing prejudice against skin colour. This has been happening for a long time in the world.
         "I'm sure your friends act this way with Caroline because they are just repeating a social behaviour, without analysing whether it's right or not, whether it’s well founded or not.
         "Children should not even be noticing Caroline’s suffering" – concluded mom.
         I reflected a lot and tried in the following days, to tell my colleagues everything mommy had explained.
         Gradually, Caroline was being invited to participate in the games. The sad barrier of prejudice came apart slowly and they all became friends. We discovered that she had a lovely voice and loved to hear her singing.

BOLÇONE, Maria Ida Bachega. Life taught us, Editor EME

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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