Prejudice, Say No! II

          Greetings and Opening prayer

          First: provide each child with little bags containing six or more beans of various colours (white, brown and black) and sizes. Ask them to observe and try to find two absolutely identical beans.

         Note: The technique used was based on the history of The grains of rice, from the book Life taught by Maria Ida Bachega Bolçone, publisher EME.

          Second: explain that as there no two identical beans, no person is identical to another one. Talk to them about our physical and spiritual differences.

          physical characteristics (tall, short, blond, brown);



          tastes and different ideas (cheering for different teams, enjoying to eat different fruits);

          people with disabilities (deaf, blind, mute, paralyzed - with physical, mental deficiencies);

          remember that God created all spirits simple and ignorant (we were all created equal); we evolved through our positive attitudes, so there are equal spirits existing in the Universe.

          Third: ask if someone knows a person who needs special care and how he/she is treated by others.Remember that we should not discriminate against anyone. Weare all children of God, evolving spirits. Weshould love and respect everyone; those who have special needs are very brave spirits, God does not commit injustices.

          Fourth: ask if anyone saw the Paralympic Games on TV and know what it is. Explain that the Paralympic Games are a major international multi-sport event where athletes with a physical disability compete; this includes athletes with mobility disabilities, amputations, blindness, and Cerebral Palsy. There are blind people competing in running, throwing darts and judo; people in wheelchairs playing basketball (in wheelchairs); men and women without arms or without legs swimming.It is an Olympics’ game for people with special needs.

          "The Paralympic Games take place once every four years, and are held immediately after the Olympic Games in the same locations, using the same facilities.In September 2004, Athens welcomed athletes from 140 countries competing in 19 sports."

Athens 2004

         In 11 days of competition in Athens, the Brazilian delegation won 33 medals: 14 gold, 12 silver and 7 bronze ones, a far superior campaign from the 1984 Games (held in two cities, Stoke Mandeville in England and New York, USA), which was until then the best national performance, with 28 medals (7 gold, 17 silver and 4 bronze).

         Information from

          Fifth: we suggest to tell the story called The pot, from the book And, for the rest of my life..., from Wallace Leal Rodrigues, published by O Clarim. Comment on the attitudes of the characters involved, after telling the story:

The pot

         My family’s old servant was black.
         Her grandson was called Micky; he was my constant companion of jokes and plays.
         In everything we did, Micky’s role was always the heaviest, secondary and the passive one.
         He had always to give and never, to receive.
         One day I ran home when I left school because Micky and I had arranged to build a ditch that would go from the pit to the laundry.
         Each one of us assumed our role without realizing it- as usual.
         Micky was "sentenced" to forced labour, sweating and making great efforts.I was the merciless guard with a stick in my hand!
         The way I was mistreating that black boy was almost worthy of an adult imbued with racial prejudice.
         It was then that our old black servant called us:
         We ran to the kitchen.The pot was on the ground and we grasped it with both hands.But we let it go with a scream, perplexed that she had told us to grab something extremely hot - it was evident that she knew it was that hot…
         Then, she said with assertiveness and using mild words, so clear and simple that even today I can hear them:
         - Wow!You two are burned.What a funny thing! Your skin colour is so different from one another, but the pain you are feeling is equal for both of you, isn’t it?
         We both agreed.
         I could never forget this episode that undoubtedly made me a different person.

         The earth is our great school.Keeping the child inside without education is as dangerous as opening a school for the consecration of indiscipline. (Aura Celeste)

Roberts, Wallace Leal V.And for the rest of your life ... O Clarim

         Sixth timeo: each child draws his/her hand in a blank sheet of paper and put his/herfingerprints there. Remember that just as there are no two identical digitals (finger prints) there are no two people alike.Ask the children to cut out the designs of their hands and place it heart-shaped on a large paper writing in its centre: "We are special. We are children of God."It becomes a great educational poster.

Text to be glued to their notebooks


         Each person is an evolving spirit.God loves his children equally, regardless of being tall, short, fat, thin, beautiful, ugly, rich, poor, black, and white, with special needs.
         We should love and respect others, regardless of how he/she is or what religion they follow.It is important that we work together towards a society without prejudice, where we all can live in peace.

Closing prayer

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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