Intercession Prayer II

         Initial Prayer

         First: talk about the concept of an Intercession Prayer to the children.

          What is Intercession Prayer?

          Who can you pray for? (talk about the need to pray for our health, the fact we have a family, for being incarnated, for being able to come to the Saturday school, for having food at our table, etc) Please wait and see what the children will be able to come up first.

          Have you prayed for someone (friend, dad, mom, brothers/sisters, etc)?

          How did you feel after you prayed for this person?

         Obs.: Please note this class was been planned for the Spiritist Teacher to spend between 10-15 min in each activity. If the spiritist teacher feels it is necessary to spend more time on it, please feel free to adapt as you wish.

         Secondt: give one drawing and one blank sheet of paper to each child. Please ask them to write a story which will be related to the intercession prayer. You could give two pictures to each, and make them come up with other characters, places, details, etc. Please try to make it as interactive as possible.

         Click here to find a set of drawings suggested to be distributed to the children.

         Third: Make sure two children share their stories and read it to one another (10min). Please ask one of the pair to explain the story the other child came up with. This will make them interact with each other, learn from the different points of view, and laugh at the stories. In between the stories, the spiritist teacher should approach the following aspects related to Intercession Prayer:

         Please remind them of the importance of the prayer, since if we are praying we are connecting directing with God. This connection can be done through our thoughts, which are extremely powerful, or through words as long as we can feel it on our hearts.

         The prayer can boast our energies. It sends mentail images to superior spheres, which will then connect us to the Spiritual Benefactors. They are the ones helping, guiding, inspiring us to help overcome our challenges. They will guide us to the good path of love. A prayer to Guardian Angels and protecting Spirits should have as its objective the solicitation of their intercession with God, to ask for strength to resist evil suggestions and to ask for help in all of life's contingencies.

         The prayer is always very pleasant for God when it comes from the heart. He appreciates all good intentions as long as it is sincere.

         The more evolved man is, the more he prays not just for himself but for others. Our prayers can also help and the intercession of the good Spirits may offer others hope and consolation. We can pray for the good spirits to give others strength so as not to succumb in the new battles which they will undertake.

         Intercession Prayer expands our ability to love and help; it frees us from selfishness little by little. It is through the silence of the prayer that we get help for the regeneration of our world and benefit the Universe.

         It is important to remember that thoughts and good will are imperative for prayer. Whoever prays with good intentions will be able to attract good spirits to their side.

         Atividade baseada na Coleção Plano de Aula nº 03 Destinada a Menores Socialmente Carentes Unidade II - Prece Pré Juventude; Plano de Aula nº 02 Anexo 02/FEB-DIJ/1994.

         Final Prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: 1st cycle (7 to 8 years old) and 2nd cycle (9 to 10 years old) (it depends on the knowledge of the children).

         Spiritist Teacher: Adriana Cardoso – Spiritist Centre Amigos de Chico (Santo Ângelo/RS - Brazil).

         Resources for the Spiritist Teacher: The Spirits' Book - questions 658, 659 and 662; The Gospel According to Spiritism – Chapter. XXVII - ASK AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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