
         Opening Prayer

         First: Tell the children the story called “Dante learned an interesting lesson”.

         Here are suggested drawings to illustrate the story:

         Marley 1

         Spoofy 1


         Dante’s House

         Marley 2

         Spoofy 2


         - Did Dante disobey his mom’s requests? Was his attitude correct?

         - Did Dante regret what he did? Why?

         - What was the lesson he learned?

         - People who love us always what is best for us. We should make the most of our parents’ experience and follow their advices whilst we have the opportunity. It is very important to obey our family, since this could avoid negative things.

         Third - activity: color drawing followed by gluing it to their notebooks.

         Click here to find a suggested drawing.

         The spiritist teacher can then suggest to the children to watch their behavior during the week. Using the drawing sheet the received, they can draw hearts at the end of each day, in accordance with their attitudes. They can draw one heart for each good action they did. The more hearts drawn, the better were their behavior/actions during that day of the week. The spiritist teacher could give some examples to illustrate this activity to the children – some good actions are: take part at Study Meeting of the Gospel at Home, shower at the right time, don’t complain when helping with tasks at home, looking after our pet, avoid fighting with brothers/sisters, doing homework, etc. highlight these examples are “Attitudes of Love”; that is the objective of this activity.

         On the following class, the spiritist teacher should ask kindly if anyone wants to show the homework given on the previous week (drawing with the hearts). Please respect the children who don’t want to show their work. There might be some children who haven’t done their homework, but they should be given another chance to do it during the following week.

         Closing Prayer

         Closing Prayer: Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old) and 1st cycle (7 to 8 years old).

         Spiritist Teachers: Carla, Cleusa and Potira.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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